Apr 01, 2009 08:06

[ Citizens, citizens, go about your daily lives, but still, look up, here, now, your attention is needed. Because suddenly, no matter what the circumstances are, all the televisions around the city will flicker to a screen of static. Then, to a pure white screen. There's the faint sound of laughter, before the screen once more flickers, first to a test screen, then to the following:

And then, a voice starts speaking in a cheerful, lilting tone. In the background, murmuring laughs continue on at appropriate intervals. Playful, friendly, amused. ]

Citizens! Let us bring our hands together in congratulations! For whom? You may ask. Aaah, and who would it be, but the city itself! A happy, happy first anniversary to the city of Neo Genesis! An entire year gone by, oh joy!

[ There's the sound of laughter and cheering in the background, regardless of how perplexed the citizens must be. Because -- one year? What does that mean? Hasn't this city been the place where you've grown up? Lived for decades? ]

Now, now, but what would the city be without its people? Our thanks are extended to you -- each and every one of you -- for making the city the place it is! Be happy, be joyful, be merry! The place could not have been so splendid without your presences! The first step is always the hardest, and yet, you have made the city's first step a marvelous one! Come, let us sing a song in celebration!

[ The buzz of static for a brief moment, before an old recording starts playing. The Birthday Song. 'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Neo Genesis, happy birthday to you!' And by this point, several people are staring at the TV incredulously, while others are milling about, confused. What is this? Some sort of prank? As the song ends, the voice clears its throat. ]

Ah, ah. Yes. It's such a wonderful day, isn't it? Be sure to make your days extra special, citizens! After all, a birthday is something to celebrate extravagantly! Yes, even you voracious, murderer-types, go out and enjoy yourself, just don't desecrate the city too much, hmm?

[ The transmission ends abruptly, and all televisions go back to what they were doing -- flicking off, or returning to news channels, sports channels, cooking shows, whatever was one at the moment.

Ah. What does this mean? What can it --

Then, only a few minutes afterwards, the televisions flicker back on to the emblem on the white background, with a shriek of gleeful laughter. ]

Happy April Fool's, citizens!

[ And the laughter carries on for a few moments, even after the screens flicker back to their programs.

-- yeah. Yeah it's just a joke. That's it, right? That's what it's got to be.

... right? ]

[ ooc ; Yes. The Neo Genesis project has lasted an year. Congratulations, citizens, for lasting this long. You've been stuck in this false city for such a long time now! The Alpha felt like playing a joke on you. Going by the city's terms, today is officially the city's anniversary, but not the 1st -- more like the several-hundred-th, if anything. Therefore, many citizens (the NPCs) have returned to their lives. Maybe it's a good thing that the city's supreme high-up is someone with a sense of humor!

However, for player characters, this announcement has triggered a small, unconscious realization of the fact that something's not quite right. As a result, sometime over the next two weeks, just once, they will recall one of their canon memories as a dream one night.

This memory must be something with minimal to medium importance. For example, a character remembering a meeting they had with characters from their canon (that aren't present in the city), or them simply enjoying an evening with someone, would be applicable memories. Memories like an epiphany they experienced in canon, a life-changing situation, or some other pivotal are not allowed, as they would progress the game rather quickly, and that's no fun, no?

However, there's a slight twist. When they wake up from that dream, just for a moment, they will feel an intensified version of whatever emotion they were feeling in their memory. If the memory they recall was a sad one, they'll wake up and feel immensely sorrowful for a moment; if their memory was a relaxing one, they'll feel absolutely content for a moment.

Of course, characters are free to brush this off as just a dream and a mood swing -- in fact, that might be logical. People who shout about strange dreams and sudden emotional changes often get dragged off to psych wards, yeah? But talk around quietly, and you might find that you're not the only one going through these strange circumstances.

Feel free to ask any questions here. ♥ ]

!tv, !plot, !event

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