i'm pretty sure it starts out the same for almost everyone, when i got evette i said she'd be my only doll. but after having her at home, i felt she was lonely. so her little brother came home. i've had my little siblings for over a year now, and i'm feeling my family needs to grow. i've been talking about it for a while now, and i think i've got the better part of my doll family set ahead of me. O.o they're not going to be really related, but it's going to be a crazy house by the time everyone gets home. which, probably isn't going to be for a nice long time, but none the less, i felt i should post it just in case i should misplace my written list. ^^;
so to make it fun, i turn it poof into meme! XD
it doesn't necessarily have to be a list of only dolls you own, it can include dollies your planning to become members of your resin family ^.~ enjoy!
Doll Name- Company, sculpt, type
Style of Clothing-
Doll's Attitude-
* Boogha- Latidoll white basic Laches
Character- bad conscience of the house
Clothing- anything with bat wings, red footie jammies with wings and a tail are in the works
Attitude- horribly onery
*Lil' Komugi- Puki Pongpong natural skin
Character- opposite of Boogha (good conscience), and a chibi nurse witch komugi
Clothing- cosplay outfits, and pink cutesy clothes
Attitude- hyper, ditzy, fun loving, a little onery
* Trevor- Customhouse Petite Ai Mars/Uriel hybrid (standard faceup)
Character- little genius, and punk boy
Clothing- baggy punk clothes, dress boys clothes
Attitude- quiet, independent, thoughtful, always thinking, curious
*Evette- Dream of Child Bee-A (faceup by dizzy)
Character- rockabilly, psychobilly girl
Clothing- rockabilly, punk, modern fashion, steampunk, and occasionally lolita
Attitude- sometimes can be a little self centered, adventurous, fun loving, artistic, caring, enthusiastic
*Nathaniel or Vincent (name still undecided)- Dollzone Mo, natural or beauty white ?
Character- surfer beach boy
Clothing-beachy, casual, surfer, a little bummish
Attitude-laid back, smart, passionate, funny, artistic
*Dorian- Dollshe Bernard natural skin
Character- a young version of dorian grey, before he was completely corrupted with vanity
Clothing- victorian, elegant, occasionally aristocratic steampunk
Attitude- curious, polite, friendly, vain, well educated
*Trenton- Soom Spinel natural skin
Character- Scotch-irish artist
Clothing- everything from casual to extreme punk and other styles, loves to try different styles
Attitude- laid back, down to earth, loves art in all forms, smart, funny, active, athletic, adventurous
*Loralei- (sculpt still undecided)possible choices
-Ail Alice or Chloe in white skin on mature girl body
-Luts Senior Delf Eveline (wishing she came in white skin)
-Peakswood Goldie in white skin
-Luts Lishe in white skin
- insert other possible girl here
Character- a girl to play my etheral child (ghost and little miss mysterious) pale, mature face
Clothing- anything from gothy to elegant formal wear, historic clothing
Attitude- a quiet, mysterious girl (still a bit of a work in progress)
=3 yay dollie crazy house! ^.^