i don't have tons of time to go over the entire story about how he came to be so early. but i want to thank christy and robyn for being there for me when i needed it the most. i want to introduce my little boy to everyone. vernon vincent campbell was born thursday march 27 2008. he was delivered by emergency cesarean at virginia beach general hospital. i had aparently been in labor for two days...O.o but been discharged from two separte hospitals since i wasn't dialated at all. found out why when they were wheeling me back. the doctor said since he was breech and wasn't quite feet down but butt down i didn't dialate. its a horrendously long story and i will go into full account if anyone is curios but for the time being i want to share all the good stuffs.
vernon was 5lbs 14.1 oz. and 18 1/2 inches long...he spent almost the last two weeks in the nicu at the hospital. he finally got to come home wednesday afternoon. and needless to say i haven't slept. his two week check up was today and he now weighs 6 lbs. 1oz.
now on with the pictures!!!!
friday morning after delivery, the lines across his head are from his skull...baby's skulls aren't completely solid they're softer so they can make that trip through the birth canal...since my little boy didn't have to he doesn't have the cone head thing going on but you can see the little lines in his head.
the only pic i have of him right now with his eyes open. ^ ^ ;
i loves ma little man... X3
on a side note...ma boobies hurt and they're huge >.