An Assortment Of Hollowstone Updates are in order:
As you all know, we are less than two weeks away and there's definitely been a lot of buzz about Hollowstone. I can't wait. I'm really excited. June 17 can't get here fast enough.
I've spoken with the publisher and we hope to have pre-ordering available before the release date. As soon as I hear anything, you fine people will be the first to know.
On Noah's Orientation:
A few people have mentioned this and I wanted to clarify. I think in a few cases I may have inadvertently miscommunicated (and I do apologize for that), and I think other cases people assumed because I'm a queer POC, my main protagonist is one as well.
Actually Noah isn't queer. He's straight. Though because he's a mild-mannered young man whose thoughtful and respectful, his orientation is repeatedly called into question, a lot, LOL. Neely, however, is bisexual. Though she doesn't appear until the second half of the novel (and there's a huge reason behind that), I would say she's the main character in Hollowstone, after Cal and Noah. In addition there's Ryan whose gay and his storyline makes an impact on the novel. Homophobia definitely gets explored in this novel and it points out why it doesn't always get better. And you'll also see some gay characters handle business by any means necessary.
Outer Alliance Big Outlantacon/Gaylaxicon Podcast Extravaganza:
So while at Outlantacon/Gaylaxicon last month, yours truly was interviewed by the very awesome and lovely Julia Rios for the OA podcast. And I was in some very fine company.
Other kickass peeps interviewed include Warren Rochelle, Rob Gates, Catherine Lundoff, Lee Martindale, Sara Amis, and many others.
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