A Non Tech Review Of The iPad

Mar 22, 2011 10:57

phillipalden recently penned a very excellent and comprehensive review of the iPad which I definitely thought was worth sharing. While he was referring specifically to the recently released iPad 2, this certainly applies to the iPads in general.

With people knowing that I'm an Apple Guy, I constantly answer questions about Apple products which I enjoy doing.

For those of you who haven't used the iPad, it's essentially a larger version of the iPhone or the iPod. Both devices are immensely popular because of the plethora of practical and useful applicaitons offered, being immensely user friendly and its superb quality.


First, the iPad will not replace your MacBook, (or other computer.) You can't load third-party software, and all file transfers happen through iTunes. Of course, there are thousands of "apps" you can download from Apple. It also comes with Safari and other basic Mac software, so you can do a lot of "end user" stuff.

So I still have to "rip" music and movies on my laptop, import them into iTunes, then transfer them to the iPad.

That being said; I like the iPad. This morning I checked my email, and wrote this post, using the iPad. I didn't have to open my laptop at all.

The touchscreen is very responsive and pretty accurate.

I'm still building my iPad, adding apps and configuring some of the software, but I'm very happy with it. If I'm going to spend the afternoon at my in-laws it's an easy computer to bring along.

Likewise traveling. Unless I think I'm going to use more than 4gb of my Nikon's flash chip, it will be better than bringing along a heavy laptop to check email, surf the web, and watch video or listen to music through iTunes.

As I stated earlier, the iPad is not a replacement for a lap/desk-top - but it is a great compliment to one.

FYI - Many of your favorite web sites that have their own apps can be found in the iTunes store, along with other "mobile" versions of your favorite applications.

I don't recommend you just start downloading iTunes apps willy-nilly. Build your new iPad as need arises. That way you won't end up with an
iPad loaded with apps you'll never use.

On a scale of 1-10, I give the iPad 2 an 8-9

computers, tech

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