Navigating Through Race- The Plight of Storytellers of Color

Apr 21, 2013 07:24

While I'm always striving to take my writing career to the next level, I also think it's just as important to stop and note the blessings I've received.

Hollowstone continues to make sales, Ars Marginal is running stronger than ever, West of Sunset is scheduled to be released this year, my con appearance lineup continues to increase, I'm doing interviews, and I continue to receive invites to do some social justice guest posts from some extraordinary men and women who I absolutely adore.

In March I penned the Myth of Black Homophobia for my favorite bartender Ankhesen Mie At The Bar. At the end of the month, I was asked to do a guest post, What Gay Marriage Won't Do, for the legendary Monica Roberts of Transgriot fame where I broke down the dangers of  the mainstream LGBT' movement's over emphasis of gay marriage to the detriment of everything else (job discrimination, violence against trans people, LGBTQ teen homelessness, etc). I also had the chance to do a followup post.

And as of Friday, I had the immense honor and pleasure of penning a piece, Navigating Through Race for Fangs for the Fantasy which is headed up by the legendary Renee of Womanist Musings and my Ars Marginal cohort, Sparkindarkness.

Long before I "officially" met Renee and Sparky, I had been a huge fan of their blogs for years. They were so awesome in fact, I was too shy to introduce myself.  To be given the opportunity to contribute to a wonderful website run by some most excellent peeps is definitely another accomplishment for me.

and now for our feature presentation

wicked truths, fangs for the fantasy, blackness, guest posts

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