Livejournal will always have a special place in my heart which is why I try not to gripe when the site i constantly crashing or malfunctioning or losing virtually every pic I've posted over the last 10 years. Livejournal and I have history and that history must be respected.
With that being said, I've been working to build a presence on other online platforms for better promotion of my novels and whatnot.
My official website is
So if you're on Facebook and you feel so inclined you can find me
If you're on Twitter, yours truly can be found
And I'm still holding it down with my internet wife
sparkindarkness and the rest of the crew at
Ars Marginal. If you haven't been joining the party, then I don't know what you're doing with your life. *shakes head* I really don't.
Worry not, I'll still be on LJ and I'll continue to crosspost.
Do me one favor. If you add me on Twitter or Facebook and you go by your government name or another online handle, just let me know who you are because I don't always know who added me.
And that is all I have to report at this time.
*resumes editing latest story*
ETA: Dear Livejournal, if I write a post about using other platforms because your site frequently malfunctions, the thing NOT to do is malfunction when I'm posting the page and ergo prove my point. I see what you did there.