We Are Legion

Feb 19, 2013 07:28

And the celebration of being a Black Geek for Black History Month continues as I discuss one of my all-time favorite series and one of my favorite genres of music.

Random Fact # 28: The first concert I ever attended was Run DMC & Aerosmith.

Hip hop culture is a long lost love of mine.

This usually shocks people when they learn that I used to be huge fan of vintage hip hop. It's understandable given my cerebral and uptight demeanor ie: the huge stick up my diamond crushing ass.

As a kid, hip hop culture was starting to gain traction and even then I knew it was something special. It was from the streets, it was humble, it was pure. It was by the people for the people. It was inclusive. Hip hop/rap was for everyone: male, female, black, Asian, Latino, and white.

continued here.....

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