The thing is, reasonable limits has been the most common left position for pretty much my whole life. They;ll have to revoke my card to if it's not. The Right has been claiming the Left's position is to take everyone's guns, but that's not so. It's a strawman at worst and a taking of the fringe for the center at best.
You'll notice when I writet about this, I talk about things like background checks, putting the ban on assault weapons and extended magazines in place, closing the gun show loop hole (where about half of criminals get their guns), Limits on mass purchases (how the cartels are arming up). I think waiting periods are a good idea, but I'm not as wedded to that. I also advocate universal health care with mental health coverage parity which would solve a lot of problems.
I personally don't like guns, but I grew up in a house with them. It's not fear, but simply that I'm bad with loud noises close to my head even with ear protectors and I don't enjoy the physical sensation of the kick. Guns are not for me personally, and they have done a lot of harm to people in my life, but I don't favour prohibition, just reasonable limits.
I definitely agree a change in the culture as a whole would be a good thing. I just don't know how to make that happen.
You'll notice when I writet about this, I talk about things like background checks, putting the ban on assault weapons and extended magazines in place, closing the gun show loop hole (where about half of criminals get their guns), Limits on mass purchases (how the cartels are arming up). I think waiting periods are a good idea, but I'm not as wedded to that. I also advocate universal health care with mental health coverage parity which would solve a lot of problems.
I personally don't like guns, but I grew up in a house with them. It's not fear, but simply that I'm bad with loud noises close to my head even with ear protectors and I don't enjoy the physical sensation of the kick. Guns are not for me personally, and they have done a lot of harm to people in my life, but I don't favour prohibition, just reasonable limits.
I definitely agree a change in the culture as a whole would be a good thing. I just don't know how to make that happen.
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