Sorry But Uplifting Black Women =/= Misogyny

Nov 15, 2012 07:16

Things we learned today, apparently it is inappropriate for a black father to call his two daughters beautiful.

And the really fucked up part, this IS NOT an Onion article.

Fathers have been calling their daughters beautiful since the beginning of time but suddenly when a black man does it, it's sexist AH-PARESSION. And notice whenever Obama's daughters or his wife get viciously denigrated by the likes of Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, Alison Robb and other so called fauxgressive fauxminists are nowhere to be found.

Given the fact that the president is married to an accomplished sophisticated and powerful Harvard lawyer, I think it's safe to say Obama values more than physical beauty when it comes to the women in his life.

racefail, blackness, the stupid, what is this i don't even...

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