Samoya and the Bear

Oct 30, 2012 12:52

Boosting the signal on a very special book:



It stars a ten year old girl named Samoya. She gets unfortunate news and must learn how to persevere through struggle and heartache…all with the help of her magical Teddy. Black children’s books were not a “hot item” when I was growing up. In fact, all the books I’ve read and had access to were from white females for white females. Remember this ladies?

When I became conscious of how these images hurt our children, I decided to take a stance and aspired to write books for our black family. I’ve been dreaming since childhood about publishing my own novel. Writing is my passion and it has always helped me to purge and understand this crazy life we’re in. In this novel, Samoya, finds herself heartbroken with “real-life” news and she must face adversity and learn the power of faith.

Read more here...

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