GMX Bound

Oct 26, 2012 19:29

Geek Media Expo is going down this weekend and I’m too stoked for words. In fact I’m packing up and heading out now.

If you’re in the Nashville area, you should definitely stop by. Yours truly is going to be a guest along with some most excellent peeps.Below is my schedule. I’ll definitely be wandering around and sitting in on other events so don’t be shy.

And as always, yes, I will be armed with a camera. You’ve been warned.

Saturday, Oct. 27

9 AM: Resources for Local Authors

Local authors Sara Harvey, Denny Upkins and MM Buckner come together to share the hidden treasures and possibilities of Nashville's writing scene for writers and readers alike! Bookstores, events, local groups and book clubs, all the things.

6 PM: LGBT Characters In Genre Fiction

Discussion of gay, lesbian, and transgendered characters in fantasy and sci-fi. Featuring Sara Harvey and Dennis Upkins.

8 PM: Your Favorite Lesser Known Whedon Character

Joss Whedon has created some of the most powerful and memorable heroes. But it's his one shot and minor characters who are his best kept secrets.

gmx, appearances

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