The Value Of A Blogger

Sep 18, 2012 06:57

My good buddy, the beautiful and brilliant Sisterspooky has a most excellent post on the value of bloggers and the roles we play in the publishing industry.

As I stated on her blog in a reply comment:

"This is a most interesting topic as I identify as much as being a blogger as I do being an author.

I've been writing stories my entire life and I've blogged for the better part of 10 years. I'm in a unique position (with a few other fellow authors) because while many authors have turned to blogs and other forms of social media to connect with fans and promote their work, I was a blogger first who had a respectable following before my debut novel, Hollowstone, was released.

Bloggers have a special place in my heart for many reasons. Not only are they my brothers and sisters, but you all do what you do for the love and for the passion and for the excitement. So when you endorse a book, I know you do it because you genuinely love it.

You are more than an important part of the publishing industry. You are crucial. When I did my virtual book tour, I was both honored and humbled that so many bloggers wanted to participate. Hollowstone would not have been the success that it's been if it wasn't for bloggers like yourself. And for that you will always have my thanks."

sisterspooky, random hawtness, writing

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