Preview This

Aug 23, 2012 06:49

"If you don't want us to judge a story based on its preview, then don't release the preview, because literally the only reason that anyone has ever released any previews of any story, in all of human history, is to get them to judge the story based on the preview. The only real point of disagreement here is that we're not judging the story POSITIVELY based on the preview, and that we're not pledging to BUY the story based on the preview, and that's the fault of YOUR incompetence in creating the preview, because all we're doing is judging the story BY THE SAME STANDARDS THAT YOU *WANT* US TO JUDGE IT.

For as much as they complain about their own audience's so-called "whining," entertainment media hacks are the most unforgivably entitled spoiled babies in existence. "YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO CRITICIZE IT UNTIL YOU'VE PAID US MONEY TO SEE IT, at which point we won't care about your criticisms because we still have your money.""


the awesome, epic, the gospel

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