For many reasons I no longer believe in coincidence. I think that most things happen for a purpose.
As most of you are aware, I’m a hardcore Apple fan. While I owned iPods for years prior, in August of 2009, I was happy to purchase my very first Macbook Pro. A year later I would purchase an iPhone and some time after that I got the iPad.
I don’t say this often about products but Apple has improved my life immeasurably with its value from its products. Be it writing, art, other business endeavors, personal use or entertainment, Apple. More than that, I’ve always been impressed with the fact that the company doesn’t rest on its laurels but continues to evolve and improve.
Since 2009 I’ve operated on the Leopard operating system. Four years = 4 decades in computer years. Which is a testament to the awesome that is the Mac because it shows that I haven’t had the need to update or upgrade my system because it’s so awesome.
However I noticed certain programs was no longer compatible because I was on an outdated platform. So this weekend I’ve been upgrading up to the latest platform: Mountain Lion.
For you non Mac people, jumping from Leopard to Mountain Lion would be like going from Windows 2000 to Windows 7. I’m skipping Snow Leopard and Lion altogether.
What’s with the cat theme? You would think the Thundercats owned Apple or something.
The verdict?