This is Not Going To Be Easy

Jun 20, 2012 07:57

And my girl jesterwitch comes out swinging, HARD!!!!!  A most powerful piece from her. Read this now!!!!


This Is Not Going To Be Easy…
….At all.

But it has to be done.

And this needs to be said.

Those I don’t or no longer feel connected to are going to have to go.

In the past four years or so I’ve let people into my life that I had once considered friends. I’ve even networked with a bunch of people whom I thought I could build a solid friendship with. Not that I met them with that expectation…But there’s just many around me who call me their friend, but are A. Not emotionally supportive or there when I need them to be. And B. I feel like what I’ve invested in said friendships isn’t even returned even 10%.

Again, I am well aware that one shouldn’t just expect anyone to give them anything. If you really connected with a person, energy will be strong between the two people and they will want to give to one another.

However, as I’ve gained more experience around others I’ve also gained perspective.

I can no longer be around people who only seek (even just a little bit) to feed their own ego’s or put themselves up on pedestals . I know we all joke around from time to time about feeding ego, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The real problem I have is with those who have prideful and/or arrogant and/or high maintenance personalities.

It’s a huge turn off, it’s pretentious, and it’s unattractive.

I can’t stand it.

In all honestly, it’s been very difficult for me to speak my mind my whole life about how I really feel. I’m very sensitive, and those who are sensitive will know what I’m talking about. It’s not easy to tell someone the truth about how you feel. Especially when you’re talking to those who are opinionated and won’t always put themselves in your place, but will say “Yes, I understand, but you do this and you do that, so it’s not all on me.” In other words, those who have no intention of sitting down and listening to your side, but immediately point out what you did to cause whatever problems you are in with that person. The best I can describe about what it feels like to be sensitive is that we sensitives are like a sponge, soaking up energy. It feels like someone is twisting your gut. With a knife. …Energetically. It sucks. But I have ways of protecting my energy.

I take responsibility for whatever wrong doing or action done out of ignorance. If I’m not aware of whatever I may have done or said, I will and do own up to it if and when called out on it. I am not afraid of looking like a fool or an idiot for not knowing something. If I can learn something from a situation, all the better. I strive to be more aware.

Whether you have something nice or mean spirited to say to me:

I don’t give a flying fuck about your opinion of who I am. If you don’t really know me-especially if you haven’t met me in person-please kindly shut the fuck up.

That’s crude, yes. It mainly applies to judgements and mean spirited comments. But it also applies to the nice ones I get. The point is: I don’t need your opinions or compliments to keep me going. If I need some constructive criticism on work, I will either ask for it, or if it’s given, I’m open to it. But I’ll always take what I need; what resonates with me and leave the rest behind.

Now that I have that out of the way…Here is something else that bothers me about people I’ve gotten to know. Again, all is a learning experience in my perspective:

I strongly value being a good person and doing what is morally right at the cost of both reputation and the wants of myself.

Nothing urks me more than seeing those who supposedly dedicate themselves to social justice causes or consider themselves an ally, but aren’t willing to sacrifice even a fraction of themselves for the same causes they seem to stand for.

My friend Denny Upkins calls these individuals “Fauxgressives.”

They’ll cry injustice where there is none, or find something to cry about to join in the arguments to contribute to stirring drama. Don’t get me wrong. Some have for certain injustice committed against them. There are those however that like the drama. Or, if you call them out on their privilege they lash out.

But the absolute worst are those who glamorize protesting and social justice.

I see too many people talking about sustainability, organic foods and the injustice of the government not labeling GMO foods, the systems of oppression that are in place against minority groups. They keep screaming about injustice, injustice, injustice, etc. Even if they are aware of their privileges that still does not excuse them from not giving up a bit of their time or energy for whatever cause it is they claim to be for. Instead, they sit in their cafe’s wearing the latest designer hipster clothing, texting on their phones-not even bothering to have a real conversation with a real person. They are self absorbed and are only concerned with looking good in front of other people.

Social justice takes sacrifice. It takes courage to stand up for what is right. It’s not easy. Make no mistake about that. It’s not supposed to be. In fact, it’s not just about making life better for ourselves, but mainly for our children and future generations.

Social justice is not a fucking fad.

Feeding one’s ego is inevitably (and most certainly) self-serving and it has absolutely no place in my life.

Now that this is said, I have absolutely no time or tolerance for this crap. I’m too fucking stubborn.

If you come to me aggressively with your ego bullshit hitting on me, bullying my family, friends, me, etc. you bet your fucking ass I’m going put you in your fucking place.

Good night.

social justice, wicked truths, the awesome, the gospel

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