Letting The Geek Flag Fly

May 19, 2012 09:18

Outlantacon was a huge success and I had a frikkin blast. This was a true milestone for me because this time I was there as a guest so it was kind of a homecoming of sorts.


After taking care an assortment of errands and business in town, I hit the road and headed down to Atlanta. I met up with Will and we caught up, had dinner and hung out. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. I’m really blessed to have him as a bud. No matter what’s going on in my life. No matter how stressful or chaotic it can get, when I hang out with Will, I know everything is going to work itself out. It’s hard to believe we’ve been BFFs for nearly a decade. Man! I eventually made it to the hotel in time for Nea’s 2nd Annual Drag Race.

Wow.........just........I would tell you what went down but it’s one of those things you had to be there to see......I gotta give props to Nea because she handled her hosting duties like a pro in spite of the wackiness that ensued.

Afterwards a group of us hung out and partied it up. Sadly I couldn’t be up too late because I had a long day of panels ahead of me.


I was up and early and ready for discussions. I’ve come to realize that I definitely thrive on the energy of being on panels. Getting to discuss what I love and share my experiences and it’s an opportunity for me to give back. I got to discuss comics, share the challenges and trials of being a queer writer of color, and I got to hang out with so many of my writer friends. I also sold a copy of Hollowstone which was awesome.

During the panels, cast members of the X-Men fan video series were roaming around the hotel, including his hawtness Colossus. Some of us may or may not have paused the panel to go stalk meet him. Yes he is that fine.

Following the panels, I hooked up with Will and we had dinner and caught Cabin In The Woods. Awesome epic is epically awesome. Later we watched Game of Thrones and crashed.


Finished up panels and then I met up with my girl, my sibling from another maternal unit, Amaya Radjani, author of Corruption. My God is that woman brilliant as she is beautiful. Boss chick doesn’t even begin to cover it. The two of us discussed everything and anything and we just clicked. Suffice it to say, we will be hanging out again and again and again and again.....

But don't take my word for it.

Closing ceremonies commenced and I may or may not have hyperventilated when I learned that David DeCoteau (aka he who introduced me to the hawtness that is Sean Faris) would be a guest next year.

After the closing ceremonies at Outlantacon, I caught up with my good buddy and old roommate CC and was happy to hear she was doing well. From there, I hit the road and my awesome weekend sadly ended too soon as it does each year.

And as is the case each year, I got to reconnect with some old friends and I had the pleasure of making some new ones. Outlantacon will always have a special place in my heart. So to everyone who made this weekend a special one, thank you.

I wish I could express into words how special and awesome Outlantacon is, but I think this is a case where pictures will convey my point far more accurately. Some of these pics are mine others are courtesy from the official Facebook page.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have much writing to do.

This is the actor who plays Colossus in the X-Men fan series. I'm 6'5", this guy is at least 6'7" or 6'8".

william, amaya radjani, random hawtness, joss whedon, outlantacon

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