Norwescon Tweets

Apr 10, 2012 12:05

@drupkins: Sitting on a plane with hawt gymnastics team. #willnotendwell

@drupkins: FINALLY @drupkins HAS RETURNED TO SEATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RT: @nerdwest: The word of the day @norwescon is "Tit Window" thanks @drupkins and all the other panelists for a great discussion”

@drupkins: Sitting in the DC comics New 52 panel. Oh it's about to go down.

@drupkins: Oh a few of the mods are about to step in it. #divesinfoxhole

@drupkins: Now they are discussing Wonder Woman's pants. Oh it's on!!!

@drupkins: Quote of the day: "Batman pays my fucking rent."

@drupkins: My panels today were a huge success and I had some powerful discussions with some incredible people. Thank you #norwescon

@drupkins: The YA panel was standing room only and went over well. I was in rare form. Finally met the awesome Lisa Mantchev. #norwescon

@drupkins: comment from a guest: "your genre is not my usual thing but after hearing you speak today, you've convinced me to buy your novel" #norwescon

@drupkins: Why yes I DID put on my black hoodie during the race in media panel to prove my point. #norwescon

@drupkins: Sold all my books, been a hit on my panels, this is what the kids call "flawless victory." #norwescon #TeamBringIt #Boots2Asses

@drupkins: @sarahdiemer yep. You are doing it right and you have a following.

@drupkins: Mad props to Steve Bard who gave this young bro some sage advice. #norwescon

@drupkins: Mr. Bard told me that in all his years this was the first time he's shared the green room with another African American. #norwescon

@drupkins: And I just spent the last few minutes opening fire on a room full of kids. The kids shot first. #lazertag #norwescon

@drupkins: Mental note: all eye candy is in the airport.

RT: “@SunderAddams: Back from #NorWesCon. Best. NorWesCon. Ever.” Seconded.

norwescon, hollowstone, appearances

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