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Comments 8

floranna April 4 2012, 16:04:12 UTC
This is such a bullshit. I read the NORWESCON and got all excited that you are going to Norway, was pretty much starting to plan the tripthere and gleeing all over it, but then I continued and realized it was in SEATTLE...


I am disappoint.


neo_prodigy April 12 2012, 22:23:04 UTC
LOL! All in due time. I'm working on it. ;-)


phillipalden April 4 2012, 19:14:44 UTC
You are going to be busy!

And Warmest Congratulations! You deserve it! Revel in it!


neo_prodigy April 12 2012, 22:25:02 UTC
Thanks Phil.


neurotic_rat April 4 2012, 23:43:23 UTC
Awww... I really want to listen to these panels because they look really interesting, but am all the way in another country here. *sadface*

Will you and other people be recording these panels, and possibly, upload it on the internet as a radio/live video recording for those that can't make it over there? I wonder, because this is something I would like keep in mind as reference when I'm writing my works...


neo_prodigy April 12 2012, 22:23:32 UTC
I'll try to find out if anyone recorded the panels and if so I'll definitely post links.


(The comment has been removed)

neo_prodigy April 12 2012, 22:23:57 UTC
We're definitely going to have to figure something out.


bork April 6 2012, 20:13:50 UTC
I'll be at Norwescon on Saturday afternoon, just in the bar area hanging out and watching soccer. (I'm not going to the actual con itself, no time! But it's by where I live, so I'll stop by for a bit.)

If you have a hankering to join us, you're welcome to.


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