Stacked Crooked

Mar 22, 2012 09:04

So the past few weeks I’ve been really slammed. But it’s a good kind of busy so by no means am I complaining.
I just submitted a proposal to my publisher and an editor for an upcoming project I was recruited for.  At this time I can’t say anything about it, but I really want to because it’s really awesome. I can’t wait to show you all the finished product because I think you all will be just as stoked as I am. Okay I will drop one hint. One word in fact:  Steampunk

In other writing news, I’ve been working on a novella which I’m proud to announce I’ve finally found a name for it: West Of Sunset.  The story features young gay wizard detectives, vampire biker gangs and witchy heroines. It’s been a romp and I’m only at the halfway point. I’ve been working on it everyday and it’s coming along nicely. I can’t wait until it’s finished. More than that, I can’t wait until it’s published.

And in other news THIS WEEKEND, March 23-25:

If you're in the Midsouth area and you're looking for something fun to do, come hang out with me and a host of other awesome peeps.

Friday, 3/23    9:00 PM Broken People   "Writing characters with real flaws and real problems."
Friday, 3/23    10:00 PM        Diversity in SpecFic    There's no shortage of fantastic creatures in spec fic,but when it comes to humans are we
lacking in variety?

Saturday, 3/24  2:00 PM Pro-Row Sat-2p  Autograph Sessions

Sunday, 3/25    3:00 PM Give and Take   Getting the best of a critique (or critique group). How to give useful information, and how not to take
it personally.

midsouth con, hollowstone, appearances, writing

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