And Bingo Was His Name

Oct 22, 2011 13:52

Dear Slashers,

The next time gay men are calling out privilege and homophobia in slash and you feel the need to qualify how U do the research, how U don't make mistakes, how U get it "right ", how your gay friends think you're speshul, or some other variation of how you're a frikkin Mary Sue of a speshul snowflake of a unicorn, don't....just.....don't.

Because if you defensively feel the need to qualify that U are doing it right, it's a safe bet you probably aren't.

So do check your white privilege. And yes it is white privilege. Because only white culture deems it perfectly acceptable to appropriate and exploit the culture of the Other and flip their shit when called on it. And notice that manga and anime not withstanding, POCs are virtually non-existent in the slash. And this is why with the exception of an elite few, I only roll with WOC as far as non queer men go in my queer fandoms.

Many of you so called fauxial justice Tumblrinas are so quick to demonize straight white fanboys on their male privilege yet when you get called out and expected to practice what you preach in regards to a marginalized group, you start making the very same broke ass Bingo arguments that they make.

Say what you will for bigoted straight white fanboys, at least they're consistent in their douchebaggery.

So please stop.

Or don't.

But if you get your fee fees hurt, don't say you weren't warned.

No love,


wicked truths

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