Jun 07, 2005 07:12
1. I didnt hear the state, but a man was arrested for stealing a few bottles of vodka from a convienant store. He brought his baby along and stuffed the bottles in the babies carrier. He got caught and arrested. and they arrested the baby as well and the baby spent the night in the jail with his dad. they got a cell all to themselves and the police report, the baby was listed as an accomplice.
2. Why did the chicken cross the road, He wanted to get a jay walking ticket. In CA a pet chicken crossed a street in a neighbor hood and the cops saw it. They gave the chickens owner a ticket for jay walking. It went to the courts becuase the owners did not pay it. The is there can be no live stock in that part of the city, but the owners lawyer argued that the chicken was a domestic pet and therefore can not be held under the live stock law. The judge agreed and everything was dismissed and records of the incident were erased.
3. Also in CA, a teeneager was arrested for breaking and entering. He stole a watch, and some cds. Police said that there was no evidence of who the suspect might have been and would never have been caught accept for one little factor. He dropped a homework assaignment with his name on it.