Jun 12, 2006 10:09
Not much going on here. I had a decent weekend. Cleaned the place up and did a little re-arranging at the apartment. Thursday night was fun. Went to remmies and met up with everyone about 10 p.m. it was $4 long island night, so i had to long islands. I asked if i had to for a third but was told no. Then we all made our way to the Matrix. I have never been there before. It was a great time. left there after it closed at 2. so i couldn't sleep so i popped in a movie. Went to bed at 3:30, but of course Nala wanted to play at that time. So I finally got to bed about 4 and the alarm went off at like 6:25. got up worked out and went to work. Worked a full day, then after work i went to donate. I went to a movie with some friends and got some munchies afterwards. so after that i went home and just watched a little t.v. I went to bed about midnight or 1. funny thing was is that i didnt get tired untill about midnight after a night of having fun and only 2 and a half hours of sleep. Today begings the 7 weeks of hell. For the next 6 or 7 weeks my shedule is as follows. Mon 10 am to midnight. Tues. 5:30 a.m. untill midnight and wed 5:30 a.m. untill 3:30 then have thurs through sun off. though this week i work fri 7 to 3:30 oh well. off to work i will update again soon l8tr and hugs people