So I am at school bored and as ballZ. But wait! There's more!!!!!!
So I went to my math class, feel asleep and snored, some girl next to me threw Fritos at me to wake me up, but didn't wake up till she clocked me in the face with an Oreo, so I kicked her in the face. Then class was over, so I placed in my shitty ear buds, turned on the cd player. I felt I needed something new in my life, so I choose to not move unless it was exactly on the beat of the song. That was actually pretty fun, walking with the beat of the song and then going faster for faster beats. But I was doing it down the stairs. Yea, I guess I got issues.
I then hit the interweb, to look up shit about my name and stuff. Don't know why, just did. It seems that Blake is not very popular/common, like I already knew. But then, it also states Blake is a name for someone who is either dark or fair skinned. And is a very masculine name and is usually given to babies who their parents believe are going to be sucessful, highly intelligent and good with the ladies~!! Yeah, that is soo far off from the truth on my case, how sad.....
But I felt it would be funny for everyone to read why mothers choose the name Blake and what they had to say about it. It made me laugh, but hell you can all look up your name on this site and see what parents have to say about it.;jsessionid=0WEXLNXU3B2OPQFIBQPSBHQ?babyNameId=13186&commentsMode=true¤tPage=1&sponsorid= I also think I need to take my journal to a new level, which means I need to make my journal incredibly stupid to mock all those who take it soooooo seriously, since LJ in my opinion is so ridiculous and all it seems I do in this thing is type random shit, that makes me sound all emo or I do not know. And I am basically really sick and tired of checking on my friend's list and seeing someone post like fuckin' a billion times in one day. Or just writing emo shit all the time, I mean it is completely understandable at times, but come on! Life can suck ass, this is true. But life is not always fuckin' depressing and horrible, there are always good parts to it, or good things that come out of the bad. And it seems in my experience, most of the users in the LJ community do nothing but bitch about life and show how emo they are. It's like the biggest pitty party in the world. Well I am done ranting now, off to do a test and then pass out for a few hours.
And, after writing this post, I must do one essential thing, every journal at one point needs something emo in it. So yeah, here is my emo-kid thing to do now, since I need to contradict myself, like every good emo-kid that should be shot for being so goddamn narcissistic. But to be really mysterious and shit, I will only post some of the lyrics, yeah I am a badass like that.
Well I, turn the radio off...
I don't want no part, try to make me a big star?
I don't wanna be a big star.
Everybody's mad they wanna kick me in the head
Was it somethin' I did, was it somethin' I said?
I would try to tell you but I just don't wanna lie
It really shouldn't matter but it makes me wanna cry,
I wish I didn't care, I wish I didn't care... but I do.