Crazy Costume idea, go!

Oct 19, 2011 13:33

I'll blame some of the music I've been listening to for a reinvigorated love of Steampunk.  I have a Ren costume that I'm slowly evolving to have the ability to become dungeonpunk (think dnd/gritty feel), my old neo coat gives me a let up towards cyberpunk... Steampunk is left rather lacking.  I have a mixed feeling about cosplay and costuming in general in the nerd world - at one extreme, I adore it for its sense of self expression and creativity, especially when the costumes are homemade and tailored carefully.  A well done outfit can wow the best of them.  On the other hand, I suppose a little bit of hubris pops up when seeing an unfinished work, a costume that doesn't fit correctly or that is just out of place.  Go to any event - ICON, the Ren Faire, and you'll see some people dressed up that just scream 'pay attention to me', somehow not fitting in with all of the other people around them playing at fitting into another time period, another world.

Small diatribe aside, one of the problems specific to Steampunk is how its supposed to support someone to makes their own things - the beauty of individuality and tarnished goods.  I have this amazing mad scientist outfit idea planned out, with a rebreather mask I saw back at the Wicked Faire in March sparking the idea.  Copper coils, wrapped around the left arm for Tesla electricity... monacle strapped across the face, and of course, belts of vials and nick-knacks, ones that (hopefully) spin and whirl on their own.  Again though... How do I even go about MAKING this stuff?  I want to do leatherwork for varying reasons, but I have not been able to find crafting books on how to do it like you do with other skills (glass, metal, ceramics)..

AAAARGH I WANT TO BE CRAFY WHYYYYY....  must focus.  There might be more posts about this idea soon.  Need: lots of copper wiring, leather, heavy needles... and a blowtorch.  NOTHING CAN GO WRONG WITH THIS PLAN.
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