Jan 17, 2007 02:19
thats rite AGAIN
cant help it really.
but i had a very brief convo with Simone..
and actually it was really cool..
and usually its annoying when it doesnt last long..
but it had a different feel to it today..
plus i got a txt off her for the first time in as many months as him not talking to me.
unfortunately that doesnt mean anything really
coz i know shes still not willing to see me either..
but yea im happy with the way its going..
still need to think of something to tip things with hing in my favour.
at least i know he has read my two letters that i gave him.
thats kinda a start..
well it was.. but that was way back b4 christmas..
i was really gonna go to his palce at christmas and beg him
in hindsight i think maybe it would have worked..
but actually its ok that i didnt..
all the rest of the family were there..
including simone..
that would be really realy embarressing..
which is the reason i think it would have helped.
but his uncle would be there too..
and he has something against me..
so that wouldnt have worked.
thinking maybe another letter will maybe do something..
if anything lets him know i still havent given up..
on a different note..
i spoke to a girl called charlotte yesterday..
was kinda interesting..
she has alot to complain about..
especially to someone shes never talked to on the fone b4.
shes related to anita from uni..
so thats a bit odd
and shes always in chatham ..
so its a bit weird..
and during my 3 years there i didnt see her once..
well i never took note i guess.
she seems a bit of a lost soul
or at least a wandering one..
shes been thru somethings too..
even tho shes not telling me.
thats enuff for a day...
im starting to get teh feeling of updating again..
but very few people read this now
but im glad someone reads it at least..
even tho its not important as
i only type as a means of talking to myself
and collecting my thoughts.
i really hope that the JET programme gets in touch soon..
and that they give me an interview..
otherwise i will be very upset..
and mite start being rash abotu things.
also im looking for volunteering at the beijing olympics..
that would be cooll. and very interesting.
plus gives me a target to work towards and learn mandarin
but then it mite be difficult seeing as i want to learn japanese as well.
but everything relies on something else.
if i go japan japanese would be easier to learn.
if i dont then i'd have lots of time to learn mandarin..
and hopefully go beijing.
well i should really stop hahah
wish korea happened ..
so annoyed about that..
and its really made me sceptical about going to japan..
as bad as it sounds i feel theres a bit of a discrimination of oriental looking people..
probably becoz we dont look authentic euf as foriegners..
but who knows the real reasons.
either way.. i'll just have to wait.