May 18, 2009 15:39
The semi-annual meeting or should I say bitchfest was on Saturday at 8:00 in the morning. We have been under a new managing director for at least four months now, but I was not expecting this to affect the way the meetings were run. Instead of the managing director talking, the safety director spoke for only ten minutes, we proceeded to complete two drills- fire and tornado and then we broke off into sections- concessions (bartenders, main stand and QSR), cashiers and ushers. Once seperated, we got the usual speech about mystery shoppers and how it is important to upsell and suggestive sell and to always treat the customer with respect, because they pay us...
This is where I run into the problem. Why should I treat someone with little respect for me and my co-workers with such dignity? Why should they be held on a pedstal? I am sorry, but I am always respectful of those customers who treat me with respect. Why should I have to get treated like a robot with no feelings? It is as if some of these people go out their way to be rude, insensitive pricks. There really is no need for it. And also, if you don't want to pay $3.75 for a pretzel or $4.00 for a soda, then don't buy it. If you really want it, don't complain about the price. You have a choice. No one told you to buy that pretzel.
Anyway, after the meeting, I was told that the Vice-President of Concessions was going to be making his rounds through the district, so we had to be on our toes. Now, personally, I do not think that the QSR looked that bad and I have pretty high standards when it comes to everything from the way the food looks to the cleanliness of the place, so I didn't think we had anything to worry about. When the managers came around to check everything, they said that everything looked great, that we has nothing to worry about. Well, a couple of hours later, as the time was running down on my shift, he finally arrived. He did a few run throughs of the kitchen and complained mainly of the smell, which was coming from the grease trap. However, after he had left, I was told that we did terribly. Apparently, he had three pages of complaints about the QSR.
Most of the employees behind the QSR do not care about cleaning. The ones that do get tired of doing everything themselves. I am not sure what was on those three pages, but I do know that when I first started working there, we were a lot more careful about a lot of things and cleanliness was a top priority, only behind customer service. So, I was thinking about making a list of everything that needs cleaned and then dividing it into days/shifts throughout the week and no matter who is on that particular shift, make that job a top priority for that shift. Only problem with this is, I am not a supervisor and most of the management will not care enough to enforce this. I was also thinking about making a list that tells how long a certain product lasts before it must be counted as spoilage, because people seem to have a problem with proper day dot labeling and things sit around for far too long after they are technically expired.
In other words- People need to learn how to do their job the right way!