[Thread, Closed] Feel like flying!

Nov 09, 2008 09:52

Who: Mirage Koas and Selphie Tilmitt
Where: Up in the air, all over the city
When: Sometime after this conversation
Summary: Selphie takes her roommate for a ride. Mirage decides it's the perfect time for a confession, even if it's a little early.
Rating: PG at most
Other: Mirage's trying to get Selphie to join Quark, oh yes.

The blonde had told Selphie that she'd be out in a moment, and she was. She stepped out of her room wearing a dress and high heels; apparently her wardrobe consisted of nothing else but that, or some other clothes that were equally as girly. "Hey, Selphie?" she called out, picking up her purse and peering into the other girl's room. Yes, she didn't know how to get to the hangar - at least, she pretended that she didn't, among many other things.

selphie tilmitt, mirage koas

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