
Nov 04, 2008 16:16

Who: L (justice_be_done) & The Medicine Seller (apatheticary)
Where: A hotel room in Elysium
When: Evening; to date
Summary: L receives an unexpected visitor
Rating: PG-13
Other: N/A

a real hermit, living in a lonesome spot, hard to get at )

l lawliet, medicine seller

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apatheticary November 5 2008, 02:41:50 UTC
"You are missing some, and so am I..."

A voice, likely unwelcome, and without a doubt unexpected, speaking from behind and a little to the right of the detective, followed by the sound of a heavy wooden box being placed on the floor.

The medicine seller laid his hand atop it, pausing mid-sentence to cast a look around the room. Devoid of anyone save the two of them, but he knew security was close by. He had, after all, just evaded them although no human should have been capable of doing such.

Sea-blue eyes returned to L's back and he continued, "...but perhaps between the two of us, we may arrange a clear picture."


justice_be_done November 5 2008, 23:27:00 UTC
L visibly locked up and placed his cup back on the table. This was not a voice he knew.

When he finally turned to face the Medicine Seller he had schooled his features from an expression of shock to one of anger.

He was crouching in an arm chair, his toes curled and his knuckles white from tension. Though he was usually skilled at veiling his emotions completely, he had never had anyone address him from within his own hotel room. It was an invasion of privacy and a breach of security.

"How did you get in here?"


apatheticary November 5 2008, 23:55:51 UTC
"I walked in," came the medicine seller's reply, simple and truthful as it was. There may have been some power that veiled his presence from notice as he did so, but it was hardly worth mentioning and anyway to bring that sort of thing up might only put the poor human detective on edge even further.

However, the medicine seller was hardly concerned with people's privacy, as his journey frequently caused him to intrude on places far more intimate than this. And really, neither of them had time to worry about the detective's preferred methods of consultation.

He removed his geta out of respect and stepped forward until he was facing L properly. "I may have both questions and answers for you. You may, however, wish to begin asking... more important questions than that one."


justice_be_done November 6 2008, 19:35:45 UTC
L picked up a sugar cube and offered it to the stranger, his eyes never blinking.

"I can't imagine why I'd have any questions or answers to provide you with," he said and sighed. It was the sigh of resignation one would have upon realizing their neighbor had come over...and had no intent to leave.

It seemed to him that if this man had come to see him, he probably knew he was L, but it was not a certainty. It was best not say anything that could betray who he was, for now.



apatheticary November 6 2008, 20:39:58 UTC
"Fortunately, we need not rely on the extent of your imagination," quipped the medicine seller, his gaze dropping momentarily to the arrangement of sugar cubes and coffee cups in front of the detective. He gave a shake of his head in refusal of the cube and offer of tea. Then he moved again, selecting a nearby chair in which to seat himself, and still in clear view of the detective.

He folded his hands neatly in his lap and resumed staring with a gaze as steady as L's. "Your current cases," he said. "Which murders are you investigating?"


justice_be_done November 7 2008, 19:06:38 UTC
L did blink this time, a slow blink.

"My cases?" he scratched at the back of his head. "I don't know who you think I am but I don't have any."

Damnation he thought to himself. Does he know who I am? How!?


apatheticary November 7 2008, 20:19:31 UTC
Humans clung to their secrets like they were precious treasures no one else should discover, and they held tight no matter what was at stake. So many innocents were sacrificed for the sake of protecting some detail, not always a minor one, but always selfish. The medicine seller dealt with this every time he appeared to a human. Having to push through it to complete the mission was an obeisance of sorts. It ensured that someone of his immense power would always be a servant to the humans rather than a tyrant.

The medicine seller was on his feet again in an instant. He reached into his sleeve to pull out a short sword in an elaborate jewel-encrusted sheath. This he made no attempt to draw, merely held it on display for the detective.

"I have been led to you because you can provide the answers that I seek," he declared. "I have been led to you because there is evil in this city that must be eradicated, and you have failed to do so. I cannot draw my sword until we have discovered evil's Form, Truth, and Reasoning.

"Will you help me?"


justice_be_done November 7 2008, 20:30:28 UTC
L felt a jolt of disdain at those words. Evil in this city that must be eradicated, and you have failed to do so.

How DARE this man question his...

..The Box Killer.

"Evil is not always forthcoming in its crimes," L said slowly. "Evidence is needed. More evidence."

It was clear this man knew he was a detective. There was no reason for him to betray himself as "L" but it seemed that continuing to feign ignorance was not an option.

"I cannot divine answers from aether."


apatheticary November 7 2008, 20:51:56 UTC
"As luck would have it, I have the means to," said the medicine seller, lowering his sword. "Yet the answers which come drifting to us through the fog of fragile visions are fragile in themselves. A flicker of gold in the muddy banks. A glance alone is not enough to determine how great the deposit. And so I begin to dig."

He paused, his lips quirked into the smallest of smiles. "I am not a court of law," he continued. "Solid evidence need not be presented. It is your thoughts I am here today to gather. What you have seen and what you have speculated... so that the sword and the hands that hold it can find and eliminate the evil that has evaded all of us for too long."


justice_be_done November 7 2008, 21:00:52 UTC
A vigilante?

L poked a finger towards the stranger. "'Eliminating' evil is not your job, it is the job of the police. Killing is a crime, unless done in self-defense. Even if the victims are killers themselves."


apatheticary November 7 2008, 21:28:34 UTC
To that, the medicine seller only laughed so quietly it was more visible in the shaking of his shoulders than heard. "Killing is not the purpose of the Sword of Exorcism," he explained unhelpfully, "but evil cannot be allowed to exist in this world."

He stepped forward, up, onto the table but somehow managing to avoid toppling anything over. "The police have their duty and I have mine," he said, his voice raising in volume but not losing its calm tone. "Evil will be found and I will cut it. Refuse to speak and you allow evil to prevail, you protect it. But there is no hurry. Though every moment wasted leaves another victim to fall, I can be... patient."


justice_be_done November 7 2008, 21:41:26 UTC
L shifted when the man stepped up on to his table. While he heard everything that was said, he found himself only able to comment on one troubling detail.

"Your toes are in my cake."


apatheticary November 7 2008, 21:54:56 UTC
"No, they are not," said the medicine seller quite certainly, which became evident a moment later when the medicine seller vanished entirely...

...and was once again sitting in the chair across from L, hands resting in his lap, as though he had never moved in the first place. The sword was out of sight. And he was silent then, staring straight at the detective and waiting with all the patience he'd just spoken of.


justice_be_done November 7 2008, 22:08:35 UTC
L rubbed at the back of his neck and stared across the room, back at the stranger. He knew he was supposed to say something but this whole scenario was well outside his realm of experience and comfort.



apatheticary November 7 2008, 22:15:07 UTC
"Your cases," the medicine seller reminded L. "I asked you about them." Something about this seemed mildly amusing to him. He continued to watch the detective and seemed to have no intention of leaving the matter or L alone.


justice_be_done November 7 2008, 22:36:03 UTC
"My cases," L replied steadily, "are the same as those undergoing investigation by the police. Nothing special."


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