[Thread] I'll grind against your bones until our marrows mix.

Oct 17, 2008 01:12

Who: Giovanni-dog_eatdog  Nagi-striginae  Irvine- ladiesmanirvine - OPEN
Where: Sextasy Nightclub. Unf.
When: Sometime during the evening.
Summary: The Dog is loose, and where does he go? To see if he can pick up information on a number of individuals.
Rating: PG-13 Eh-- this could be ify depending who shows. Subject to change.
Other: Okay so this is Gio's first REAL interaction post-- DON'T make me be alone in here. He'll be nice~ and polite I promise.

Hidden eyes silently observed the dark complex behind tangerine lenses; slipping inside those double doors those large bouncers did nothing to hold back the reformed Alpha Omega patient, only they’re eyes followed the clean cut blond who flashed a crooked smile before filtering into the shaded area inside the nightclub. Reflections of colored light bounced across the smooth lenses as he slowed to a gradual stop upon the elevated metal black chrome steps. Fingers searching against Armani cloth finally slipped into pockets at his hips.

People were like waves against the neon reds of light that pooled against the main dance area, dressed in clothes that left nothing to the imagination. Sun-glasses shifting the world reflected in them, would drain of those waves and replace with the cool violet of black lights that lined what appeared to be a sphere like bar of sorts. Oh but this trained dog wasn’t here for drinking or getting tangled up in the embrace of a stranger. Dressed from cuff links to the expensive leather dress shoes, Giovanni embodied the air of an unknown millionaire even to that almost malicious smile of pearly teeth, he strode, walking down the metallic steps that would allow his form to intermingle in the masses of moving shadowed forms.

A mild amused smile hugging those lips as he parted the living nameless faces-the living experiment took his leisurely stroll to a comfortable looking round seating area- half partially shielded from the majority of minglers. Reclining down onto the deep red cushion, wrists would lift to weave fingers before himself, resting against the table top. Now, it was all up to listening. Eavesdropping. He had a purpose here and perhaps mingling with the refuse of Terra would help him in that task. The jackal smiled- at nothing in particular as he waited, not whispering a single word to the dark lit air.

kengamine nagi, giovanni, irvine kinneas

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