[thread] I don't wanna dream

Aug 31, 2008 13:35

Who: Lelouch and Kakyou
Where: Lelouch's apartment.
When: The morning after the Medicine Seller visits.
Summary: Profoundly awkward breakfast.
Rating: PG-13 or so?

It had been a long night for Kakyou, spent sliding in and out of dreams. He awoke in the morning at last feeling exhausted and scared in equal measures. For a moment he debated trying to sleep again, but eventually decided against it. Lelouch would need to know what had happened last night. And besides... dreaming didn't seem like the best idea.

He glanced briefly at the orange vial next to the bed, debating putting it to use, but eventually decided against it for the moment. He still didn't fully trust the medicine, as tempting as it was. Instead, he painfully and slowly made his way into the wheelchair and headed out into the living room.

"Lelouch-kun?" he called as he looked around. "Are you awake yet?"

kuzuki kakyou, lelouch lamperouge

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