[THREAD] loneliness

Jul 06, 2008 00:31

Who: Lelouch + Kakyou
Where: Kakyou's hospital room
When: Afternoon?
Summary: Lelouch comes to visit Kakyou again.
Rating: PG-13 at worst?
Other: Kakyou's emooo

Kakyou was reading. He had read through the books Lelouch had brought several times already, but it wasn't as if he had anything else to do. It at least distracted him from his anxiety and his tiredness.

He leaned back in his bed, paging through the book slowly, wondering when Lelouch would return to claim it. He had had nightmares about Lelouch a few times... but no. Those were just dreams. Nothing else.

kuzuki kakyou, lelouch lamperouge

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