[log] Witty text here

Nov 09, 2009 23:43

Who: Matt and the Beta
Where: Streets of Terra
When: Todaaaay
Summary: Beta got lost in Terra, Matt goes to help her
Rating: PG?
Other: Pancaaaaaakes

Matt puffed on his cigarette like steam engine, he'd hurried down here a litte after a debacle of trying to get out the door without Pixel; who took any attempt of Matt's to exit the apartment as a sign of 'walkies!'. He amanged to keep to his time estimation though, even if the cold air and smokers lungs made him cough a bit about it.

Really, why was he hurrying? The girl could be ugly, he didn't know. But she sounded cute and he didn't really have anything better to do.

Not knowing what she looked like himself Matt had no choice but to reach where she had been reported and stand around, hoping she'd come to him. If she'd wandered off then he was probably fucked.

mail "matt" jeevas, [npc] beta

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