[Thread - OPEN] I'm a storm faced cloud, hanging in dystrophy.

Oct 20, 2009 08:25

Who: Ryou Kanzato and OPEN.
Where: Terra police headquarters.
When: Tuesday morning.
Summary: Just another day at the office.
Rating: PG... for now?
Other: Is it really okay to do drugs at work?

The lieutenant hung up the phone at last and pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes shutting momentarily. Not even nine in the morning and already numerous messes to clean up, but that was hardly a concern to him. The messes, he could handle. They were trivial things, the everyday problems of ordinary men. Unless the body count was over five, Ryou did not so much as blink at these issues.

The true problem of the morning was his health. He had noticed in the last five minutes how the sunlight peeking through already-closed blinds was growing to a migraine-inducing brightness. Every color saturated to a dayglo neon that made his eyes ache. He could feel just the beginning of that tell-tale cold sweat that preceded chest pain that preceded-- Well. He wouldn't let it get that far, of course.

Dark eyes reopened to glance at the door of his office. No one had come to call yet. Most of his colleagues would still be enjoying their doughnuts and coffee. While the coast was clear, he reached down to unlock and open the smallest drawer of his desk. There sat a single unmarked pill bottle. After this was finished, he only had two bottles remaining in his personal stock. A real problem he would have to remedy.

For now, with lightly trembling hands, he took his medicine and washed it down with a sip of now-room temperature latte.

open, ryou kanzato

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