Who: Johan Liebert, Belial, and
everyone who signed up here.
Where: Inside the TV.
When: Thursday, August 27.
Summary: The game continues.
Rating: R
Other: Refer to
this post for information. Remember to comment to the "LOSERS" thread when your character dies. If your thread isn't finished yet, report the results anyway or the kill won't be counted
He did feel terrible, but tried to say that it was just because of everything that was going on rather than admit that he had gotten sick. How sad and pathetic would that be? End up being even more of a hindrance to those around him. No, he really had to try to be strong. Crawling out from underneath the desk, he hesitantly stood up -- good arm putting all his weight on the surface of said desk so that he could try some semblance of looking normal. His expression fell when he heard the Hatter read off the name of those that had died the day before. Suddenly not so much in the mood of appearing strong. He let his arm slip so that he could sit on the floor, knees against his chest.
Nill. I should have... I should have worked harder to have found you yesterday. His lips pressed together, pressed his forehead against his knees. Yosuke was feeling just a little dizzy, but once more lied to himself that it was just the thought of Nill. Had to be the thought of Nill. Why wouldn't it be? "She's really gone, huh? But will she ... will he come back?" His words were muffled in the position which he was in; glad as it would betray how it sounded at that moment. He hated the thought that she'd be on the Auction, but didn't want to think of never seeing her again.
Without looking back at her two companions (mostly Yosuke) she knew they were awake and disturbed by the list of names that was announced. She wasn't able to get everything Yosuke said, but it was obvious that he was mourning someone's death. Shijima stared at the half-eaten cracker in her hands for a moment.
"Some people are taking this game seriously," she said, after picking her words carefully. As it was, dying early in a game like this would be a blessing. To live through it all would be... in a way, a hell. Surviving a game like this while knowing people have died, either by your hands or not, it would gnaw at your conscience for eternity, she was sure of that.
At least now she knew Hibari was still alive, and she did not hear the teacher's name. She was disappointed that Squalo had died, however. The problem was the fog. If it was as problematic as had been said, then... that would present trouble later on. Out loud, she wondered, "I wonder if we could do anything about that fog."
He climbed to his feet. They didn't have time to be mourning while they were in a war zone. His dark eyes scanned the horizon for predators, and when he saw none, he focused on the fog. Why was it so familiar? He felt like there was some vital piece of information locked in his mind somewhere and he wasn't allowed to access it without the password.
"So we're being poisoned slowly, but that's not the worst part," he murmured. "The destruction of selflessness... Like we'll give in to our own needs, every man for himself." This had happened before. When? When?
He put that thought aside momentarily, turning to Shijima. "What's your weapon?"
"Poisoned?" He looked up -- is that why he felt so horrible? Not just about Nill? What could he do for Nill? He could find her, couldn't he? He couldn't just let her body ... be left out. His hand rose to grab onto the desk and hoist himself up; nearly toppling the desk over on top of him in the process. It rattled and shook loudly before he finally got to his feet. Of course, when it finished shaking, he stared at it. Worried. Did he make too much noise? Or was it just in his head?
He would wait for Shijima to answer. That was his plan, but suddenly interjected. Unable to keep the thought to himself. Hoping that one or both would agree with him. "Can we ... find her body, maybe? I don't want ... I don't want it just left out there."
Shijima stood from where she was, shoving the rest of the cracker in her mouth. She rummaged through her bag to look for her weapon again. "What do you want to look for her body for?" She asked, pulling the paintball gun out, showing it to Shika. She had assembled it inside the high school building after she came out of the classroom but before she went out of the building itself. The pepper balls it came with weren't very lethal, but if aimed just right, they could be.
"That's what they gave me," Shijima said, placing the paintball gun on the table.
He let go of Yosuke slowly, not quite trusting Yosuke to keep standing on his own but he was in the middle of planning and he had to concentrate. He turned to look at the weapon Shijima produced. A paintball gun? He picked it up, peering at it skeptically until he saw the pepper ball.
Aha. "Good," Shikamaru said. "When I start to lose it--" When, not if. "--you'll be able to stop me if I do anything stupid. Hopefully without killing me." He handed the paintball gun back to her. He didn't think she would hesitate to use it.
Yosuke really couldn't understand why she didn't understand what it was he was planning on doing. He started to take a wobbly step towards her when he was halted by Shika; his stance steadied by his friend. Looks like the gig was mostly up. And here he was hoping that he could say that he wasn't sick for a little while longer. His head bowed slightly, wondering if he looked guilty or upset. It felt like a little bit of both. "Yeah, I remember. The reason, the reason I want to find her is that ... it just seems wrong to just leave her out there. It ..." He trailed off, wondering who it was that killed her. Feeling a righteous sort of rage start in his chest. Almost as hot and dizzying as the fever. One that he wanted to go out and find the asshole who did her in.
"Huh? Stop talking like that ... both of you. We're going to be all right." He had taken his seat back at the desk, seemed if he continued to stand he would just end up embarrassing himself.
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And he knew none of them would be alright, either. But he'd let Yosuke go on believing that, because he'd do everything he could to make sure Yosuke was alright. Nodding vaguely, he started to move back to his position by the window.
That was when the door burst open. Shikamaru spun around, drawing the pistol from his hip in a flash. He was just about to pull the trigger when he realized the face he was aiming at belonged to their teacher. "C-Crap..." he sputtered, his heart pounding so hard he was getting a headache. "I almost shot you." As if that much wasn't obvious, but he was so relieved he hadn't.
His hand pressed against his forehead, feeling and thinking that his headache was getting a little worse. He was about to ask if the medical kit had some medicine in it for this sort of thing before the door flung open. Yosuke had wanted to stand up quickly, but ended up tripping over his own feet and landing on the floor instead -- almost cracking his head on the desk right next to him. There wasn't any weapon that he had and wondered if bullets and whatever else would start flying, but nothing did. His arms were over his head and he lowered them to see who had joined them.
"Edge! You're all ..." Yosuke had started to say that he was all right, but he was bleeding. His gaze lowered. It was good that he was still alive at least, right. With some effort, he pushed himself up. Didn't want Edge to get feverish like he was. His head canted to the side, but would they be able to avoid it? A shake of his head -- instantly regretted -- but he had to think positive. "It's nice to see you here, teach." Alive.
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"It won't do any good," he said, stepping forward. "It's in the air all around this place. You can see it in the clouds. There is no ground high enough." There was no reason he should feel so certain of this, but somehow he did. He knew this fog.
He gestured toward a chair with his gun. "Why don't you sit down and we'll treat your injuries, okay? We have a first aid kit here."
"Edge, calm down. I mean, this is a safe place. So, there's no reason to ... freak out, right?" He tried to smile, wondering if it was reassuring. Already, he had finally walked over to the first aid kit to see if he could find any sort of items that would help his teacher. Hoping that not all of them were used on him.
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He stepped forward, reaching out slowly to touch Edge's arm with his left hand. "Hey, just... Calm down. You're losing blood, so let's take care of that first, and then we can talk about our plan. You don't need to panic. It's as safe as it can get here."
Gauze, water, cotton balls. Not enough left for a good bandage. But maybe Kazama-senpai's bandanna. Yosuke muttered about in his head as he carried the items back to where Edge and Shika were. He reached into his pocket to produce said bandanna, commenting aloud. "Yeah, let's just get you healed and then we'll talk this out calmly."
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