Who: Johan Liebert, Belial, and
everyone who signed up here.
Where: Inside the TV.
When: Wednesday, August 26.
Summary: The game begins.
Rating: R
Other: Refer to
this post for information. Remember to comment to the "LOSERS" thread when your character dies. You are free to create your own location threads, steal weapons from the dead, anything
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Squinting his eyes against the yellowish glow, Yamamoto peered around at his surroundings. There was a playground of sorts, which he figured was to be expected, since he'd just come out of a school. He decided against venturing into it, though, uncomfortable with the dark overgrowth that could be concealing any number of unpleasant surprises.
Instead, he chose the next building he saw, just on the other side of the playground, across a fortunately almost clear path. If nothing else, he could barricade himself in a room, so he'd have the least chance of someone sneaking up on him from behind.
It was slow going, making his way into the other school building - which was the only thing it could be, with overturned desks and empty lockers with their doors hanging wide. It might be difficult to find a room with four solid walls and a single door, he thought, hoping to find one without the large, broken windows looking out over the weird wasteland outside.
The building was silent - too silent - and he kept his guard up as he searched. He was out in the open, but that didn't mean there was no one here, hiding, waiting for him to leave himself open. He hadn't even taken the time to check that bag yet, and had no idea what he had to defend himself with.
The blonde had climbed up the rubble slope, painfully slowly as her now mortal status became increasingly apparent, and slipping in through the entrance. And then slowly, slowly she'd crept along until she found an empty room, large enough to hid in and a door she could close behind her.
It was then she'd dropped to the floor and put her hand to her head dizzily. A moment later she'd opened her bag and gulped down a few swallows of the water bottle she found inside. Okay, she pushed aside the wonder of drinking water again and reached for her police training, forcing herself to take a businesslike manner as she went through the rest of the supplies. Enough for three days, just as they'd said, and-
Seras' breath caught as she pulled it out, eyes widening as the fully loaded uzi hung from her fingers. "Oh my God..." When they'd said weapons... she shifted her hold round it to the correct position, testing the weight and sighting along the barrel. Not that it was a weapon she'd have to particuarly accurate with... oh God, why her? What had she done to deserve this? What had any of them done?
She needed to make a plan, somehow she had to get them out of here. She should find Shikamaru too, help him. He was just a kid, he didn't deserve to be put through this.
Then she heard footsteps.
Seras got to her feet quickly, pressing her back to the wall, the uzi in one hand. Two choices presented themselves, did she jump out and try to reason with whoever it was, or keep hiding and hop they passed on by? Tough choice. She turned her head, listening carefully.
He still hadn't found himself a suitable room to put his back in, which was frustrating him nearly as much as his noise. Didn't this school have any broom closets or storage rooms that didn't face the courtyards? It seemed like every room had windows and broken glass and additional entrances, and none of them seemed to have any light, in spite of the open space and empty panes.
But - was that a crunch of a footstep that wasn't his own? Yamamoto froze, clutching the bag he'd been given. He'd made a misstep in trying to find a place to hide before trying to figure out his means of defense and offense. He knew better than that! He had to allow for the stress of this situation, but it wasn't any excuse for leaving himself defenseless like this.
So there he stood, in the middle of the hall, rummaging in his bag. He didn't feel anything that felt like a weapon, though, just some water and bits of food, and a utensil to eat it with. "...Crap."
"Freeze!" Falling back on conventional police keywords, "Who are you?"
"Ah...haha, I'm just another guy that got dumped in this place, just like you," he said, carefully. He'd stopped rummaging in his bag, of course, but slowly drew his hand out, holding the spoon. "I, uh. I'm sort of harmless, too."
Suddenly she felt sorry for him.
The barrel lowered to a less threatening position and she sighed. "Sorry, kind of jumpy, and well. Can't tell who's playing and who's not right away." She ran a hand through her hair.
"I mean, I don't really understand why we're all here like this, but I'd rather we didn't kill each other." He looked pointedly at her gun, a small, wry smile on his face. "Or, you know. I'd rather you didn't kill me."
"There's plenty of rooms, I think. I'm pretty sure no one else is in here, I was the second one out of there."
He peered at her with something similar to eager hope, maybe she was telling the truth, and he was going to make it out of this alive. "So...you don't mind? If we just...let each other go?"
Seras nodded, "No, I mean, I'd be a pretty terrible police officer if I went around gunning people down who haven't done anything, right? Even here I'll still stick to that." She waved her arm. "So... if you want to then go ahead."
"If we make it through this, I'll have to bring you coffee or something, to say thanks." Yamamoto flashed another smile, and ducked around a jagged corner of wall, then turned and ran. There was no way that the next person he ran into would smile at him and let him live.
She turned and went back into the classroom she'd claimed. She'd barricade the door tonight and try to get some sleep, hopefully by tommorow her head would be clearer.
Seras isn't really looking for a fight here yet, so if Yamamoto agrees she'll let him pass on by unharmed. If he does try to start something though she'd open fire.]]
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