[ thread ;] i'm your only friend, i'm not your only friend, but i am

Aug 18, 2009 05:42

Who: Yosuke Hanamura, Itachi Uchiha, Kazama Souji.
Where: Kazama's apartment.
When: Afternoon, after summer school.
Summary: Wanting to hang with Kazama as Yosuke realizes that it had been awhile and shocked to find Itachi not in the Abyss.
Rating: PG-13.
Other: Hello, foot. Mouth loves to nom on you.

make a little birdhouse in your soul )

yosuke hanamura, uchiha itachi, kazama souji

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sagittariinae August 19 2009, 16:32:37 UTC
Ever since he was younger, Kazama had always been a bit on the orderly side. With a clear preference for clean-cut, neat agendas, he'd always been the timely, organized sort. But somewhere along the line -- probably after his realization that the line between the strong and weak was much more black-and-white than he'd thought -- that this mild perfectionism had evolved into something closer to an almost military adherence to times, regulations, schedules. It was easier than wasting any time on unnecessary hesitation, and so once he adapted to a change, he tended to stick by it with concrete strictness.

Which was why, when the sudden knocking at the door rang through his small apartment, he looked up with some small modicum of annoyance. What was it? He'd been sifting through some paperwork related to the yakuza's latest activities (including, but not limited to, some rather troublesome missions dealing with the competing gangs in the area), and he left it at the table for a moment to pad over to the doorway. Peering through the fisheye lens for only a moment -- that was all it took to recognize the bright hair and trademark headphones.

And he paused for a moment, looking back to Itachi seated nearer the back of the apartment. The company wouldn't exactly be welcome. But, well. A small sigh, as he unlocked the door and pushed it open, standing before Yosuke, his expression as flat and blank as ever. "... Hanamura." (He'd unknowingly pushed the door wide enough for Yosuke to catch a glimpse into the apartment if he peered hard enough -- probably a mistake he'd somewhat regret in retrospect.)


pogromanate August 20 2009, 06:06:07 UTC
With a book in hand and fingertips grazing over the corner of the pages, Itachi was seated by the table in which Kazama worked on. There was a certain contentment that was like a relief to be in the proximity of the other, it placed him in minor ease -- and perhaps it was selfish for Itachi to keep being the other’s guest, and that maybe he was none other than a minor inconvenience with the other’s routine. But in all honest truth, Itachi had dismissed everything else that took his existence before his own death. And Itachi had not felt at peace, completely so, not until he had returned to Elysium.

But the peace could only last for so long -- because as grey hues glanced along the words before him, his fingers flipping over the pages with normal speed as he gazed down the pages with himself in deep thought, the knock of the door seemed to have caused the Uchiha to look up, almost instantly, and there was wariness there that thinly-veiled his apathetic expression. Unease had swept over him, and the glance that was given to him by the other in the small apartment was returned with the slightest of nods.

Because when Kazama had risen from his seat, making his way to the door and opened it, Itachi placed the book back down on the table and stood. His movements may have seemed slow, not in any hurry to have moved to a different area of the small space and out of sight. But maybe, just maybe, if one could, they could’ve caught the slightest flicker of another person. And as he made his way to the small kitchen, his own sight flickered only briefly to Yosuke before placing himself out of sight.


waitingfora August 20 2009, 06:18:06 UTC
Yosuke broke out into his usual smile at the sight of Kazama, honestly happy to see him. "Hit, it's been awhile-holy shit!" The first portion of what he said was spoken in a deadpan, scripted manner; the latter not so much. His pose shifted as he was pointing at something that was just behind Kazama. Realizing what it was he was doing, he straightened his posture to stare in a disbelieving manner at his senpai. Maybe, it was a ghost - a weird sort of vision because of everything that he had been thinking of, but it really did look like Itachi was now living here. He blinked a few times as he realized that he hadn't explained why he suddenly called out; hadn't really heard anything that had been said to him for the last few (minutes? seconds?) that he been standing and looking over the other's shoulder with the hope of getting that same glimpse so that he wouldn't think that he had gone crazy.

"You went into the Abyss?" His voice was very soft, quiet. That was incredibly dangerous of his senpai to do. It didn't matter if he had some mad skills now; it still wasn't safe. His head gave a few sharp shakes as though he was being bothered by some bug. Partially right as he just didn't like the thought that Kazama went down there. He shouldn't have; at least, not without him. Biting his bottom lip, he wondered if he was thought to be unreliable in these sort of situations. "I'm sorry. That is probably a really random question. I mean, I don't know what prompted it." He started to laugh as he returned to the thought that maybe he hadn't seen Itachi. Maybe it was just all in his head after all the stuff he talked about with Madara.


sagittariinae August 20 2009, 12:16:51 UTC
He couldn't help it -- at the sudden expletive, he also looked back into the apartment and realized that Yosuke might have caught sight of Itachi. Which would no doubt end badly -- because while Kazama knew full well that it was hardly Yosuke's fault Itachi had been murdered, that didn't mean Yosuke was exactly the best person to have blabbing Itachi's return to the Terra. And so Kazama only shifted his weight to lean against the doorframe, subtle blocking Yosuke's view into the apartment somewhat. The concerned question, he answered only with a faint sideways cant of the head, at first. (Right, Yosuke didn't know of his deal with the Mad Hatter yet. Of course. It would probably be better if the other didn't have to know about it at all.) Hand raised to rub at the back of his neck, he gave a half shrug -- "It's nothing to worry about." He almost added, 'any more,' before catching himself -- no doubt it would have opened a whole new can of worms for Yosuke to flail over.

And when Yosuke continued to ramble towards a different subject, he returned to his usual taciturn attitude, hands shoved in pockets, languidly resting his weight against the doorfram. A pause. Had Yosuke ventured into the Abyss, by any chance? -- if he was, then he was immensely lucky to be out of that place in one piece. The fact that Yosuke was starting to ramble meant that Yosuke was probably thinking about something related to the Abyss, and Kazama gave Yosuke a brief, scrutinizing glance before speaking quietly. "-- was there anything you needed?"


waitingfora August 20 2009, 19:35:28 UTC
"Nothing to worry about? How can you say that?" His arms crossed now as he decided to try to look a little annoyed. Kazama may have some amazing skills now, but that didn't mean that he should just go wandering around the Abyss. Even if it was for Itachi. Lips pressed together, he craned his neck again to see if he could catch a glimpse of the man again. He lowered his head slightly though at how Kazama was blocking the door; flinching as he felt that he was being "just a little" nosy. But, that didn't mean he shouldn't be, right? This seemed like completely different from what he had said he was going to do before; not butt in so much in his senpai's life. Somewhere, his brain sighed at his actions.

He did lose his balance some when asked more or less why he was over in the first place. His pose of crossing his arms slacked slightly as he tilted his head; almost forgetful what it was he had come over to say. "Well, I was just thinking that I hadn't seen you in awhile and wanted to make sure that you're okay." Another bit of a face as he took a deep breathe and reached his hand out to lightly press on Kazama's shoulder so that he could just muscle his way in. Another lowering of the head as he felt that this would go over so well. "You know, making sure everything is in order." He kept talking though as he started walking forward.


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