[Log; closed to Harlock and Siarnaq] the labs pt. 2

Jul 05, 2009 19:39

Who: Siarnaq, Captain Harlock, KOS-MOS
Where:  Abandoned Lab, Lower levels, Abyss
When: ... a ... while ago? ish.
Summary:  KOS-MOS has awakened and is searching for something in the abandoned labs. She picked up Harlock and Siarnaq on the way and the three of them encountered some rogue experiments during their explorations.
Rating: M for violence
Other:  Godmodding agains NPCs is totally not a crime <3

It did not take long for KOS-MOS to determine that the lifeforms in front of her, there appeared to be six or so, had lost any trace of humanity they  once had. They were no longer capable of logical thought and appeared to be hostile due to the fact that they were now rushing at her and her companions. She spoke in her calm, robotic voice, loud enough for Harlock and Siarnaq to hear her over the inhuman screeches of the renegade experiments that had now noticed their intrusion on their territory, "The experiments 5778, 5779, 5881, 5886, 5894, and 5896 have been classified as hostile. I suggest you both proceed with the utmost caution and allow me to destroy them before they have the chance to cause any harm. Keeping them alive would be a danger to the city of Neogenesis."

Before either of them could protest the impending slaughter, the android had started rushing towards the grotesque, humanoid experiments.

captain harlock, siarnaq, kos-mos

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