
Jun 10, 2009 23:28

Who: Itachi & everyone mentioned here
Where: Uchiha estate
When: fffff June 9th, around 7pm?
Summary: It's Itachi's birthday...
Rating: R?
Other: Yosuke you idiot -- also, tag when you can etc etc

dfhklsjfkd )

soifon, shikamaru nara, konan, uchiha itachi, uchiha sasuke, uchiha madara "tobi", yosuke hanamura, kazama souji, nill

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waitingfora June 17 2009, 06:24:11 UTC
Yosuke kept coughing. His hands rested on his knees as he leaned over the sidewalk - trying to get a good intake of air. A few more labored breathes before he finally straightened his posture. He looked back at the burning estate with a weird sort of feeling. Lips pressed together, he wanted to run back. He wanted to make sure that Kazama and everyone were all right. But, there wasn't anything that he could do. They weren't going to end up for auction, were they? Even though he kept scanning the area, like they would suddenly appear, he just wasn't sure what to do. His good deed really came back to bite him in the ass. Not that he was quite sure what happened. Too much shit seemed to be going on at once and the clusterfuck left him somewhat dazed and confused. Though, he could be happy in the fact that he saw his whatever it was (though the word 'Persona' came to mind) hit Sasuke.

"Huh?" He turned towards Shika as soon as he heard his voice; the question registering a few seconds later. "What the hell, man? Shouldn't we be asking you that?" Yosuke looked to Nill who seemed just as distressed. Not sure what he could do, but not wanting her to make that face. He reached out to lightly pat her on the top of her head - with his non-injured hand, of course. "Come on, a small scratch like this won't ki … won't … it doesn't hurt." To prove his point, he stretched his arm out to the side away from the two so that he could wave it about in the air. This let the blood that had not quite clotted or dried from the heat of the fire to splatter over the sidewalk. Probably not making a compelling case about not being hurt.

"I'm happy that you're okay, Nill." A brief smile before turning back to Shika. "Seriously, man, we should do something about you. I mean, you were, whatever happened." He gave another glance back to the fire. "We'd just be in the way if we stayed, huh?" His tone of voice became a little sad; wanting to not be that sort of burden. What kind of hero - mutant - was he if he couldn't even use his powers to save everyone?


lazyish June 17 2009, 06:44:28 UTC
Shikamaru shook his head. "I can't risk it. Been tied up in too many suspicious circumstances lately. If it gets back to the station that I was in some kind of fight with mysterious burns like these... Bad enough that I was killed once. If it keeps happening, they'll take me for a vigilante." He smirked ruefully. Vigilante was what he was nowadays, wasn't it?

He looked down to examine his wounds closely for the first time. It was pretty ugly, raw with bits of charred cloth melted on. Shikamaru let out a slow breath. If he left it like that, it'd get infected for sure. He'd have to peel it off himself... That thought made him feel nauseated. He shut his eyes for just a second until it passed.

Before that, they should take care of the easier wounds. He tugged at what was left of his shirt, tearing a strip of relatively clean cloth free. "Give me that," he told Yosuke, referring to his bloody hand. "You're grossing Nill out with that bleeding all over."


silencedbird June 17 2009, 07:13:13 UTC
As expected, Yosuke flinging his bloody hand around did nothing to make Nill feel even remotely better, blue eyes automatically drawn to the drops of blood splattered across the concrete. She didn’t like it, and it only made her worry more, but she was far from grossed out. For all her kindness and apparent innocence, she had seen worse than a few drops of blood. She flinched though at the mention of Shika having died; she hadn’t known about it. He had already been bought and come back just a few days after she had found out. She had been clueless the entire time. (how unfair.)

Her gaze drifted again, back to Shika’s wound as he was reaching for Yosuke’s hand, the charred bits that were impossible to differentiate between skin and cloth. She didn’t know anything about medicine, had only tried to help the hurt back when she had been in the lab (had that been what it was?) but no one wanted someone to help that couldn’t tell them they’d be okay, so she never got to try. And she messed up on so many other things… she’d probably do more harm than good. Isn’t being a vigilante better than being hurt though? she wondered, but had no way of asking. So instead she lifted her hand and gestured away from the area they were in, more towards a familiar place; the apartment she and Yosuke lived in. She tried to form the words on her lips, mouthed ‘home’ as best she could, only memory from watching other people do it. They could at least go there and rest for awhile, and Shika and Yosuke could relax, and maybe they wouldn’t be followed.


waitingfora June 17 2009, 07:56:41 UTC
Yosuke did make a somewhat jerking motion backwards at the comment about him being dead. That was something that he had kept from Nill. Scratching behind his ear, he looked at her from the corner of his eye to see how she was taking this news. It didn't seem like it was very well. But, he couldn't hide this fact any more; it seemed. "Yeah, and I still have to go to therapy. If he hears about another hospital-related incident, I might be shipped off to the crazy-house." If they kept feeling this way, they might never be able to get away. How long would it be until fire trucks showed up? Would they show up? Black flames usually meant that it probably wasn’t going to be a normal fire anyway.

A pause, trying to lighten the mood. "Always house and never home. Or do they call it home sometimes? Doesn't seem very homey. Though, I will say that the idea of padded walls always sounds cool. So long as they're bounce-room padded." He did his best to smile. Though, the smile disappeared to a somewhat interested and confused expression when Shika took his hand to fix it. Well, fix it with the limited tools that they currently had. But it was the thought that count. "Ah! Sorry, Nill, I didn't mean to do that!" His shoulders were shaking slightly, like he wanted to throw both arms out to wave about and erase the past few minutes of his inconsideration with elaborate jazz hands.

"Hm." Staring at Nill for what felt like a long time, it finally clicked what it was that she was trying to say to him. "She's right. We should, we should get home. There's not much else that we can do here." His head bowed slightly; eyebrows knit together. Kazama-senpai would be all right? Can I really just leave things like this? But if I go, what about Nill and Shika? Though, it's not like their very lives depend on me. Come on. His head shook slightly, taking that thought away. Those sort of self-centered, delusional thoughts were unwelcome. He sounded really serious when he told us to go. He'll be all right, won't he? Yosuke let out a sigh, which turned into a cough. But he eventually recovered.

"So, I guess. Time to go?" The hesitation in his voice was obvious, but he still tried to make it sound like more of a definitive statement rather than a question. He failed at that.


lazyish June 19 2009, 01:43:55 UTC
Shikamaru hadn't realized (or he had forgotten?) that Nill still didn't know what had happened to him that week he went missing. Looking between the two of them, he winced a little. He hadn't meant to keep it from her until now. This wasn't the right way to find out. "Ah hell," he muttered under his breath. Raising his eyes to Nill, he assured her, "I'm fine. Everything's fine. Don't worry about what happened."

With Yosuke's hand not bleeding all over the place anymore, Shikamaru leaned back. He glanced down at his burns again, sighing at how annoying it was going to be to treat those. He tried to focus on the annoyance, at least, and not on the overwhelming agony. His gaze went to his legs, hoping they could function a bit better now. He didn't want to be dragged all the way home. But they were right, it wasn't safe to linger here.

"Okay," he agreed, although it came out more like he was cheering himself on. Okay, stand up, walk home, you can do it. He dragged himself to his feet with a few pained gasps but he made it. There wasn't a danger of him fainting or falling over. He was doing much better already. Now the sooner he got home and performed minor surgery on himself, the sooner he'd really be healed. "Yeah, let's go."


silencedbird June 19 2009, 05:41:43 UTC
They didn’t know that she had found out. Of course not. How could they have known? Neither one of them had even told her that Shika had died. She knew that they were just trying to protect her from unhappiness-what was the point in mentioning death if he was back just a week later?-but to find out from a stranger on the network, without any details or even an explanation... that was very unfair. She smiled faintly though at both her senpai,, but it wasn’t nearly as cheerful as usual. It’s ok. She tried to convey, without words as usual. It’s ok. Someone told me. I’m glad you’re ok. They protected her, all of her friends did, and the least she could do was smile for them.

Even if Shika was standing on his own without much sign of falling over, the pained noises he had made while forcing himself up were enough to have Nill worried again and moving closer in case he fell, but that thankfully wasn’t the case. (Yet.) Looking over at Yosuke, she glanced briefly down to make sure his hand was alright to the moment before looking up and finding his eyes, and again, she tried to convey thoughts without words, though she suspected quite a bit that it rarely got through to either of the teenage boys. Let’s go home. And she nodded in agreement to both their statements, because she rarely ever led the way and only ever followed them.


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