
Jun 10, 2009 23:28

Who: Itachi & everyone mentioned here
Where: Uchiha estate
When: fffff June 9th, around 7pm?
Summary: It's Itachi's birthday...
Rating: R?
Other: Yosuke you idiot -- also, tag when you can etc etc

dfhklsjfkd )

soifon, shikamaru nara, konan, uchiha itachi, uchiha sasuke, uchiha madara "tobi", yosuke hanamura, kazama souji, nill

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incarnadines June 13 2009, 10:03:55 UTC
He had to hand it to Sasuke. The kid really knew how to create a big distraction. So far it was all going according to plan. Everyone's attention was on Sasuke, and given his heartfelt performance as a wrathful assassin, they probably all thought he was working alone.

Not so, not so. As became quite clear when Madara came swirling into existence out of thin air, just a few feet behind where Itachi was standing, and dangerously close to Kazama. "Happy birthday to you," he began singing, although probably not as jolly as Yosuke would have liked, far more mocking and at the same time sinister. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthdaaaaaay... dear I-ta-chi..."

He raised his right hand to his mouth and blew into it, a fireball erupting onto his palm and growing larger as he finished singing, "Happy birthday to you!"


pogromanate June 13 2009, 13:39:16 UTC
It was not expected when Sasuke came through the door -- murderous indications flaring from his eyes with that once again bizarre design that Itachi had witnessed plenty of times before -- and to come and eliminate Itachi with such rush movements. He was ready to wrap his fingers around Sasuke’s wrist and dislodge all of his bones in the other’s body -- that was until Shikamaru and Yosuke decided to get involved ( ... )


sagittariinae June 13 2009, 16:42:19 UTC
It was almost impressive, how quickly everything went downhill. (But then again, wasn't that always the case? All it took was the flick of a switch from OFF to ON, and whatever facade of normal life was in place would collapse almost immediately.) The sudden explosion of electricity and movement made his nerves stand on end, adrenaline immediately flourishing through his veins as he drew his weapons, pistol and knife -- but paused a split second, eyes moving to Nill. (Get her out of here. Hanamura, too.) He didn't know much about Nara, but it seemed Nara was competent enough to buy some time -- the main priority would be to get the non-combatants out of here -- and he dashed forward, aiming to drag the two to safety ( ... )


incarnadines June 13 2009, 20:33:53 UTC
Madara turned his head to watch Kazama run past him, but not a second later he was standing in front of Kazama again, blocking his path. Kazama could run as much as he liked. It did little good when the enemy could teleport at will. "I think we should let the kids keep playing," he told Kazama. "Don't they look like they're having fun?" He smiled and nodded toward Yosuke's crumpled body. The two of them had been together when Madara first encountered them. It must be so painful for Kazama to see his kouhai like that now.

A pain that he hoped to replicate in Itachi.

"I know time's irrelevant to immortals, but I still don't like wasting it," he said to Itachi over Kazama's shoulder. The fireball danced out of his palm, catching the furniture to set the room alight. "So let's set a time limit. We have to finish this fight before the sad little mortals in here burn to death."

His hand, now free of flames but still smoldering, shot out to grasp Kazama by the neck. "You know what I'm here for, Itachi!"


pogromanate June 14 2009, 04:07:14 UTC
In a sense, Itachi knew how fruitless it would have been to engage in a fight between immortals -- and still, with those around himself, and with the quick flicker of flames that lit the furniture, swallowing it, Itachi let himself tense up. His eyes fixed on Madara with a dangerous hate and even brutal indications that was a rare sight. But if anything, Itachi would not let this bastard satisfy himself with the elimination of those that were in the household. There was no room for Itachi to contemplate the other’s hues that mirrored his own, or the releasing of his person from the Omega ( ... )


sagittariinae June 14 2009, 04:32:01 UTC
It didn't make sense, how quickly Madara could move. Kazama's reflexes were excellent, but just barely good enough to keep him from running straight into Madara, and he jerked to a halt, breath coming in sharp and shallow, a tense hesitation flickering through his nerves. At Madara's mocking words, his glance flickered towards Yosuke -- still breathing, but down, how badly had he been hurt? -- before returning to Madara. (What is it that you want?) The sudden burst of flames only heightened the tension in his limbs, the faint tinge of fear beginning to course through his veins -- (I can't do anything against these odds ( ... )


incarnadines June 14 2009, 09:01:35 UTC
Holding his eyes-- his brother's eyes, his real eyes-- hostage. Oh, it was cold. But of course, not any colder than what Madara was pulling. It drew a laugh from him, low and acquiescing. He allowed Kazama to escape from his grasp and made no move to retrieve him. His hand drifted toward Itachi, not to reach for the eye yet but to cup his cheek, smearing the blood that seeped from his socket with an affectionate caress ( ... )


pogromanate June 14 2009, 13:08:35 UTC
The urge and temptation for the small circular piece of flesh that was in hand to be crushed and send ooze through the spaces of his fingers raised with each movement and word that came from Madara’s feral mouth. And when he felt the touch of palm against his bloodied face, Itachi violently flinched to avoid it, tilting his head to the side as his head the faint background sound of bullets being sped past him. Itachi closed his eyes -- empty and not -- slowly, already accepting the realization of his impending death, and playing the part of a martyr for the sake of the others in the room ( ... )


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incarnadines June 16 2009, 04:28:14 UTC
No, he wasn't satisfied. However, one was better than none, and he would reach out to pluck the other from Itachi's skull himself if it wasn't given voluntarily. He raised his opposite hand, preparing, but before he could make his move, yet another one of Itachi's little friends appeared. Madara barely turned his head to look at her before her leg swiped through him. Yes, through. Fast as she was, she couldn't possibly be faster than him. The half of his body she meant to collide with vanished into thin air. A split second later, the rest of him followed ( ... )


pogromanate June 16 2009, 04:51:32 UTC
His remaining red hues flickered to the others that were still occupied in the household. In hope of them not wasting another moment in engaging with a useless fight and sought for their own safety before prolonging the deal of removing his other eye and settling it in his former-mentor’s palm. Still, his gaze returned to Madara, the fingers that were to reach up to jerk the other eye from Itachi’s socket were avoided, and yet there was another noise that caught his attention, causing Itachi to take a step back and grasp at the katana that was rested against the wall -- his hand clasped around the sheath of the blade as his eye followed the quick movements that were of his wife ( ... )


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