
Jun 10, 2009 23:28

Who: Itachi & everyone mentioned here
Where: Uchiha estate
When: fffff June 9th, around 7pm?
Summary: It's Itachi's birthday...
Rating: R?
Other: Yosuke you idiot -- also, tag when you can etc etc

dfhklsjfkd )

soifon, shikamaru nara, konan, uchiha itachi, uchiha sasuke, uchiha madara "tobi", yosuke hanamura, kazama souji, nill

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waitingfora June 10 2009, 16:53:43 UTC
Yosuke had hid himself behind the couch. He really hoped that Itachi would appreciate all the hard work that he put into this birthday extravaganza. Of course, it was mostly thanks for buying Shika before some creepy pervert could. He made a bit of a face at that -- flinching slightly before shaking his head from side-to-side. That was not helping. Also, he wouldn’t like to think that it was all over and done with as they still had to find out who the killer was, but it seemed kind of in poor taste to be thinking about all of this when he had sort of planned a party for a mob boss. He was also certain that had to be the coolest sentence that he had ever go through his head. ‘Cause who else could say that? Other than those that helped him plan this whole party out.

He shrugged his shoulders at his thoughts; somewhat glad that it might look like he was just uncomfortable in the crouched position that he was in rather than he was carrying on a rather long conversation in his head. At least, he didn’t have to worry about the cake. Just decorations, which was difficult because he decided to go for the whole surprise party-idea. So, that meant getting a lot of noise-makers and poppers. Just one of those things, he supposed, but at least everyone was given one or the other to wave in Itachi’s face when he sat down. Retrospectively, he wondered if it really was a good idea to do that. There wasn’t much time to really think too much about if perhaps he should convince everyone sneak out of the house as their guest of honor had taken a seat on the couch.

Well, they were already all in place. No reason not to, right? With that in mind…

“Surprise!” Popping out from behind the couch, he pulled on the end of the popper that he had - spraying confetti and other such bits of paper at the man. “Happy birthday, Uchiha-sama! Ah, it’s time to break out in song, isn’t it? Kazama-senpai, do you want to start?” His hand shot out to the person in question, patting Kazama on the arm a few times like he would suddenly break out in the happy-birthday song. Which he kind of hoped would happen. Make the whole situation a little more fun.


lazyish June 10 2009, 20:34:08 UTC
This was the worst idea ever. If only Shikamaru could have somehow been granted the power to properly convey that to Yosuke. Who could possibly think that someone like Itachi, a freaking assassin among other things, would enjoy a surprise party? But Shikamaru was a person who complained often about a lot of things, and when one was a routine complainer, one's real and logical arguments went easily ignored. Such was his curse.

And that was why he was right there next to Yosuke, behind the couch. At least if Itachi made even the slightest gesture to attack Yosuke, he'd be right there to get in the way. He was already edging closer even before they popped up, which probably made him seem like he was getting fresh but what the hell ever.

When Yosuke rose, Shikamaru jumped up just as quickly but somehow without any enthusiasm whatsoever. Yosuke had shoved a kazoo in his hand so he gave that a weak blow as soon as he was sure that Yosuke wasn't getting stabbed or spontaneously combusting. It was the flattest a-hooooooo that any kazoo had ever made.

Itachi was going to kill him later, wasn't he?


silencedbird June 12 2009, 09:53:23 UTC
It had been a very long time since Nill got to go to a birthday party, the small girl reflected, and she hoped she still remember how to go about doing things. Of course, she couldn’t sing the ‘happy birthday song’ anymore, but she remembered the words well enough and Yosuke had assured her that jumping up and making a lot of noise in whatever way you could counted just as much. Crouched down at Yosuke’s other side, Nill checked to make sure she still had her noisemakers in hand, smiled a little when she took note that they were and seemed to be working just fine without an actual test. Nill had armed herself with two noise makers, one for each hand-they were kind that was more likely to be seen on New Years Eve as opposed to a birthday party-and was fully intent on making as much noise as she possibly could. Everything had been very strange lately, after all, and she figured that everyone probably needed a party to have fun, even if it was supposed to be for Itachi. (the fact that he might not want the party had never occurred to her, not even for a minute. Itachi was like Kazama, quiet but nice, and she figured that though they would not admit it, both of the men would enjoy a get together with their friends, especially on a birthday. Everyone liked special occasions, after all, didn’t they?)

She popped up from behind the couch about a split second after Yosuke did, twirling her noise makers around ecstatically and grinning cheerily, oblivious to so many things it should’ve been illegal somewhere.

Her grin faded slightly though, because Itachi looked very far from ‘happy’ on his birthday, and that simply wasn’t right. But Yosuke was trying to get them to sing, and that would work, because Yosuke had come up with it and singing cheered people up all the time, which was clearly infallible logic.


pogromanate June 12 2009, 11:59:07 UTC
Lips barely parted to satisfy Kazama’s answer on his tense demeanour before a loud noise -- mixture of unwanted sounds and an equally unwanted voice -- went passed him painfully quick. Yet, Itachi had been expecting something as such but that did not cease the uncomfortable flinch that was almost audible, but such a affair could only be caused by Yosuke. And the question in his mind that something was amiss faded, but the pulsing of paranoia travelled through his mind and wormed its way through his vines like parasite. The question now was how did Yosuke -- and the other three -- know such a specific date such as this one. He tossed a questioning gaze to Kazama before standing up (even if he knew Kazama would not speak of such things), all too slowly and casually as rigid fingers dug into the leather fabric.

He briefly pondered how was one meant to appreciate something that was not desired. And he rose slowly, taking in a slow blink before turning to the figure at the other side of the couch, fingertips dragging down the multicoloured strings of confetti from his hair and let them fall down on the couch. His expression spelled discontentment at it all. The display of the small instruments as red hues flickered over the guests, letting out a drawn-out exhale that was at unease, and still he tossed his head back as though the gesture would serve as a sort of relief, then he spoke slowly, apathetically, letting the vex emotions he felt be swallowed down and replaced with subtle coldness, "I suppose I'm thankful..."

Still, the unwanted uneasiness he felt drifted into the back of his mind with thoughts and queries. And when Yosuke spoke up, patting Kazama on the shoulder to provoke him to burst into song, Itachi’s frame wavered and he spoke to Kazama, "It’s fine, there is no need for you too." Because truly, there was no need. Itachi had neglected the thought of having a day such as this happening to him, and this example was why.


sagittariinae June 12 2009, 14:05:51 UTC
He'd been expecting (and in some aspect, dreading) this, of course -- but that still didn't mean the sudden shouting didn't start him. Looking up and blinking at the sudden rain of confetti, he forced himself to release the tension in his limbs, instead awkward rubbing the back of his neck and not really knowing what to do, now that the initial 'surprise' bit had been taken care of. And when Itachi looked over him, he gave a small, almost apologetic shake of the head -- come to think of it, how had Yosuke found out that today was Itachi's birthday? Kazama knew the date, of course, but he hadn't told it to anyone, least of all Yosuke. -- he'd have to ask that, later.

Also rising from the couch, he threw a sideways glance towards the kids behind the couch -- Hanamura, Nara, and Nill. Well, at least the other two weren't troublemakers. The insistent tugging at his arm, Kazama flinched at, edging away ever so slightly and mumbling something along the lines of, "I can't sing, you can do it" before taking a step back to give Itachi some room. (Kazama had thought from the first place that this probably wasn't that good of an idea -- maybe he should have been more firm in his advocation against it. Well, not much he could do now.)

It wasn't exactly that he disliked the situation -- the people present were among the few that he'd grown accustomed enough to be relaxed around -- but he did feel somewhat out of place, with no real idea of what to do. Leaning against the side of the couch, he gave a small shrug, gesturing for the others to go on with their festivities.


waitingfora June 13 2009, 01:08:09 UTC
"Ah, I can't tell if you're angry or surprised. I suppose I'll go with surprised." Yosuke began, sounding mixture of proud and smug about his plan turning out just so well. He also was happy that he could keep something else secret; the fact that the one who told him when Itachi's birthday was would be appearing soon with a cake. Humming to himself in a thoughtful manner, he wondered just what type of flavor that mob boss would like. He guessed vanilla given his rather stoic behavior, or maybe he liked dark chocolate. It seemed he would have to wait to see what that would be.

Yeah, he was a little worried about Itachi, but with Madara's appearance; he was almost certain that the man had been lying about killing his entire family. Er, minus the rumors and articles, but it didn't make sense that Madara was alive if the guy said he murdered everyone. Maybe it was just some huge accident and Itachi blamed himself for what had happened; had taken all the blame upon himself and said that he had done such a horrible act.

A momentary pained expression came over his face before he broke out in a bright smile. "I guess you would say that, but this is a party. Minus, you know, actual partiness. You should smile and say something like, 'Wow, thank you all for doing this for me. I am really touched.' Right?" He winked. "I happen to be a singing champion so I wouldn't mind being the one to start the song."

Hopping up and over the couch, he set his foot against the top of the couch, taking a dramatic pose -- one hand over his chest. "Ahem. Oh~ ... " He paused before he started. "I expect you guys to sing along. Nill, you can just shake the noise-makers, okay?"


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