[THREAD] all the colors gonna rot off your sight when we're around

Jun 04, 2009 09:37

Who: Giovanni (pastafucking) and Heine (siegheine)
Where: Abyss; the apartment Heine 'borrowed.'
When: Around 2 in the morning.
Summary: The 'brothers' meet again.
Rating: R.

It's taken Giovanni longer than he had estimated to find Heine. He works in intelligence; shouldn't it be easier? But Heine's spent his whole life running away - he's talented at it. When Giovanni said 'thirty or forty minutes' what he should have said was 'thirty or forty hours.' It's days after they spoke on the phone when Giovanni finally travels down through Terra and into the Abyss. He thinks he should be nervous, excited, remorseful, guilty, hopeful - anything but furious, which is what he is. Sometimes when he closes his eyes he sees his hands locking around Heine's throat and digging in until the sinew and bone is laid bare and his blood is everywhere but in his veins; it's only now, though, that Giovanni can finally hope for that to be something more than a faraway fantasy. He stands in front of the door to the apartment he believes Heine is residing in. He straightens his tie, pushes his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose, and then he raises one of his guns and fires at the lock on the door.

heine rammsteiner, giovanni

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