[THREAD] marionette; teacher's pet [FINISHED]

May 24, 2009 18:34

Who: Giovanni (pastafucking) and Noki (spasticshots)
Where: Their apartment in Elysium.
When: About 10:45 at night.
Summary: Noki can't sleep.
Rating: PG-13?
Other: Don't open it.

Outside, the sun is long past having set. Some denziens of Elysium are beginning to settle down; others are just getting started. Giovanni is decidedly the former. He's bathed, changed, washed his face and brushed his teeth, each action dictated by Mother's protocol. Now, at 22h43, it's time to wind down. For 17 minutes he'll read magazines in bed, and as soon as the clock strikes 23, he'll turn off the bedside lamp and try to sleep. Actual rest isn't guaranteed, but a failed effort is better than no effort at all (in some situations, at least). He's propped up with several pillows against the headboard; at the foot of the bed, his feet are poking out of the bottom of the blanket. What he's reading is an interior decorating magazine.

noki, giovanni

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