[THREAD] say say say ANYTHING that you want to me, i'm still NOT gonna agree

May 21, 2009 12:27

Who: Hidan [ holyish ] & Kazama [ sagittariinae ] & NPCs
Where: The shadier sector of Terra, backalleys
When: Late afternoon.
Summary: With all due respect, sir, you might have made the wrong decision, leaving these two in charge.
Rating: PG-13 for impending violence

It was difficult to deny that Kazama wasn't much of your typical leader. Too quiet, too subdued, too introverted to be an inspirational figure that others could look up to. -- but it was also difficult to deny that he was a more-than-competent commander. As silent as he usually was, he was military-precise when it came to dealing out missions and commands, and he was equally harsh when it came down to enforcing punishments on those who didn't live up to the standards that were required of the Yakuza. Any other time, his men were allowed to roam free as long as they did not stir trouble. -- it was this sort of attitude that made him the preferred commander to some of the men in the Yakuza. So whenever the lower-ranked men were allowed to choose a division to stick with, Kazama invariably ended up with a group composed of men like him -- men who would accomplish their tasks without complaint and cause little trouble. Admittedly, Kazama was glad for this -- and the men seemed to think him a decent leader, as well. It was a mutually agreeable arrangement.

And so, Kazama was very much hoping that things would stay like this, even during Hibari's absence. Late afternoon found him trudging down the street behind a handful of his lackies -- they'd reported back on their (perfectly completed) missions, and were now heading off to the headquarters to tend to some odds and ends before being dismissed, and as always, he was quietly accompanying them to make sure that things went well. Which they had, so far. The tasks that had been left under his responsibility had been completed neatly and efficiently, and as long as nothing happened, the yakuza would continue to operate smoothly until Hibari's return. That was the ideal condition, Kazama thought idly, as he followed behind his men -- they were conversing between themselves about little odds and ends (long since used to their leader's silent presence and reluctance to walk before them) -- and the day seemed uneventful, at best.

kazama souji, hidan

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