
May 17, 2009 14:09

Who: Bigby Wolf [OPEN]
Where: NGPD HQ, Terra
When: Afternoon
Summary: Bigby is working and obviously needs to be pestered.
Rating: PG-13
Other: Anyone feel free to tag in! Don't worry about timeline-- things can always be shuffled.

It's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog~ )

bigby wolf, open, dante sparda

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sangre_devil May 19 2009, 00:04:18 UTC
Dante laughs a bit, scratching the back of his head again, "Man, you're going to send me to the poor house with steak." He's teasing of course, he wouldn't offer if he didn't have it. Besides, that sounded somewhat decent, considering his diet of pizza and beer did need a break from time to time.

He lets his feet fall down, crossing his legs as he begins to lean back in his chair. Honestly, he didn't have high hopes that this would last too long, but Bigby possibly deserved new...er chairs. Well, ones that weren't from twenty plus years ago. Maybe ten plus years ago, that'd be about right to fit in with the decor around the police station. Why did they always have the most ancient stuff, anyway? Even Dante had newer stuff in his office, which was suprising.

"That sounds rather decent. Take any girls with you or just by yourself?" Cause a vacation wasn't a vacation without chicks. Dante huffs as he looks himself over, opening his jacket and trying to see if there was anything that just screamed criminal. "Hey, I look fine. I take a shower every so often and my clothes aren't that shabby." Yet.


mrbigandbad May 19 2009, 17:31:16 UTC
"I'll go easy on you and only order one," he smirked, putting away the rest of the files. He grabbed his trenchcoat, the chair crying in protest again as he got to his feet.

He glanced to Dante's face with an arched brow, slipping out of a pack of cigarettes from his breast pocket. Honestly, the kid and his conquests. "By myself. It's not really 'getting away' if I take someone with me. Should I be asking how your love life is shaping up?" Bigby could imagine how that story went: bars and one-night stands and the occasional phone number. He'd never seen Dante as the sort to settle down easily.


sangre_devil May 19 2009, 21:52:02 UTC
"Nah, have as much as you want. I don't care, I owe you anyway," Dante shrugs, cause at least in his mind, he owed the guy who helped him out so often. He stands up and stretches, pushing his hands in his pockets as he waits for him to lead the way.

"Well, you could get away with some pretty girl, have some fun. Besides, that always makes things more interesting." Dante glances away and laughs nervously, starting to make his way towards the door, forget him leading the way. "The usual. Every so often there's a girl that can keep my attention for at least ten minutes. They usually move on though." That and with his bounty hunter job, he couldn't really have anyone close unless they could defend themselves. And most girls that he eyed weren't the hunter type, so he was on his own half the time. At least magazines filled that empty spot sometimes, it was better than nothing.


mrbigandbad May 20 2009, 01:30:05 UTC
"Fer what?" he mumbled around an unlit cigarette, shutting off the lights and closing the door once they were out in the hall. Someone greeted him as he passed and Bigby nodded his head to the man distractedly, eager to get outside where he get block his senses with the heavy nicotine scent again. It was a good thing the habit was so easy to pass off in this environment. No one really questioned him about it-- some of the cops here had far worse vices to fall back on, and not many had as good a reason for it.

No one stopped them on their way out, and Bigby took a moment to light up, smirking at Dante's explanation. "Maybe someone needs to set you up with some Ritalin." He waved a hand to show he was joking, slipping his lighter away again and taking a drag. "Skirts can be a nice distraction now and then, but I'm not the type to take distractions with me on personal trips."


sangre_devil May 20 2009, 01:44:14 UTC
"Well, you've helped me a lot down here and all, got to repay you some time. It's a lot different than Elysium." Dante follows after him, glancing at the cops that pass them, who glance back and shake their heads before heading on their way. He almost scoffs at the whole situation...he didn't dress that badly, did he? Or did he just exude criminal? Well, he'd have to fix that eventually. Somehow. Damnit.

"Ritalin? Oh no no no, I think that'd cause more trouble than it'd solve." Because he could just imagine himself taking it and somehow ending up on a job and...oh god, he can't help but shudder at the idea. But, he laughs a bit and shrugs at the comment, "Hey, whatever works. I need to take a vacation myself sometime soon. It's been awhile..." since he's be able to transform and all. His inner devil was really getting irritated, and he'd rather not completely out himself just yet. Yet.


mrbigandbad May 20 2009, 03:18:20 UTC
Bigby scratched at the back of his neck, shrugging. "You've done fine adjusting on your own. My help was minimal at best. But I'm glad I could help." It was an awkward little topic-- at least for him-- and he was glad when they moved on from it.

"They can do a world of good. Where would you go?" he asked, curios. He didn't think Dante the type for enjoying the "Grand Outdoors", but he'd been wrong before, and there was a lot the kid seemed to keep quiet about himself.

He led them down the sidewalk, already knowing where the nearest (and, coincidentally, most reasonably priced) steakhouse was. He was a common customer there.


sangre_devil May 20 2009, 03:31:53 UTC
"You still helped though. Chances are, I probably would've died if I didn't have help. Since, y'know, it really is different. But whatever." And it was kinda awkward since he usually kept it from people that he was normally from Elysium, since some people just didn't like that others had been born better off than them. Not that Dante was like his brother at all but...best be safe than sorry.

"I think...I'd just go somewhere. Not in the city. Away. Kinda need some peace of mind, need to work out a bit more, fine tune a few things and all." Dante normally didn't do "the great outdoors" considering nature and him just...didn't get along for one reason or another. But a vacation sounded nice, he might try it out. "Got a cabin or something I can borrow?"

And he followed Bigby, not really worried in the least about where they were going, considering he was teasing in the first place. But food was good, so the close part was a good thing.


mrbigandbad May 20 2009, 19:48:50 UTC
He snorted, his tone light-hearted again. "We both know you're too stubborn to die, Dante." It was as close to affection as Bigby usually displayed.

"A cabin? No, I don't have one. When I go I usually just tent out. But I know where some are, and they shouldn't be too much to rent. Why don't you just rent a place out at the beach?" He could imagine Dante playing in the sun and surf (and with the women in swimsuits) more than hiking through a forest.

The steakhouse was a little place, and must have made most of its business at night, judging by how few people were there. At least they didn't have to wait for a table. A waiter showed them right to a booth (in the smoking section, predictably), and Bigby gave Dante a break by ordering a water rather than his usual whiskey. He leaned back in the booth once the waiter had left, looking to the younger man expectantly. "So why did you stop by the office today? Was there something on your mind?"


sangre_devil May 20 2009, 23:18:36 UTC
"Well, got a point there, old man. I don't really plan on dying anytime soon." He really didn't, considering he didn't know the normal lifespan of a half-demon. Well, it'd be a surprise when he did.

Dante shrugs, "I got to the beach every so often, and it's getting into tourist season so it's not all babes but kids and...old people." He shudders at the thought, making a slight gagging sound. The things he's seen old ladies wear has just been...ugh. "Besides, in the woods you have more time to yourself, time to think, it just works out for the mind and all." And he wasn't one to think so, it was rare for him to even think about things like this.

Dante sat down, ordering a beer and wondering slightly if Bigby was not allowed to drink on his lunch, but shrugging it off. He wouldn't order the hard liquor until the food came anyway. It takes a moment for that question to process before he sighs, lowering his head slightly, "Yeah. Started talking to my brother again."


mrbigandbad May 21 2009, 03:57:42 UTC
His nod was sympathetic-- he could understand that all too well. "It's a great stress reliever. There's nothing like it. That's not even mentioning how sweet the air is. You forget what clean air is in this city." He could only imagine how many people came down with lung cancer and other maladies each year. Ironic he should be preaching it when he was puffing away at a cigarette, but hey, it was a good message.

His mood sobered as the reason for the meeting slipped out, however. His understanding of Dante's relationship with his brother was shallow at best, but tinted with rays of understanding. It would have been impressive, but near impossible to have any more than that. The two had a complex history, from what he'd seen. "Is he talking back?"


sangre_devil May 21 2009, 11:55:58 UTC
"I might have to go out there some time then. Need to clear my mind, job catching up to me and all." Dante didn't mind the smell of the city too much, but clean air was something he missed. One of those Elysium perks that he didn't realize he had until he had been demoted and all. But hey, if there was some place he could get fresh air, he'd have to go for it, no matter what.

Dante nods, his eyes focused on nothing for a moment before he looks up to Bigby, "Yeah, he is. Still his same old cold self, y'know? Heh, damn bastard didn't even ask how I was. Fucker." It was a shot to the heart to know that he basically only had that cold brother of his and no one else. Sighing, he's thankful that the beer gets there so soon, taking a long swig of it before ordering a bottle of whiskey and glasses for them. He was going to treat Bigby, since it was really the only guy he could.


mrbigandbad May 22 2009, 01:02:51 UTC
"How has that been going? Still as stressful as ever?" he asked, not bothering to flip through the menu. Bigby had been there enough times-- he knew what he was getting. Hell, the restaurant probably knew what he was getting.

He left a stretch of silence, tapping off some ash into the tray on the table. He nearly protested when Dante ordered the bottle of whiskey, but knew better and bit his tongue. It was the kid's money, and he knew Dante wouldn't spend it if he didn't have it. For the order he rattled off one of the steak specials, requesting it rare.

Once the waiter had left he swirled his water and leaned back in the booth. "Yeah, he never struck me as the friendly sort." It was a terrible understatement. Bigby's appraisal of him had fallen somewhere between tax collector and robot. "So why start talking to him again?"


sangre_devil May 22 2009, 02:24:43 UTC
"Oh most definitely. Which is why I'm dying for a vacation soon, I really need the break to practice and stuff." He's going to be vague on things since he wasn't sure if Bigby knew about his father and his heritage just yet. Besides, might be weird to just come out and say he was a half-demon who needed to practice using weapons.

Dante orders the new york cut as well, though his was more a meduim rare and asked for the whiskey with their dinner. He smirks as he sips at his beer, "You weren't getting out of drinking, I hope you realize. I know you can hold your liquor well so a drink or two won't hurt."

Sighing at the question, he shakes his head, laughing a bit sardonically at the idea, "Vergil? Friendly? For being twins, you'd think I got all the personality and he got the smarts." He scratches his head, "I mean...nevermind. Mouth insert foot." Reaching out he takes another drink, shrugging, "I don't know. I just did, he was on the network and I couldn't help it. And now I can't get my mind off the whole case and..." He lets it trail off, trying to calm himself down.


mrbigandbad May 22 2009, 15:30:39 UTC
It would have brought a pause to the conversation, yes. As it is the wolf just nods with no small degree of understanding. He'd been lucky to get the time off to be able to take a break, himself. Now it was all paperwork and interrogations again. He liked his job of course, he wouldn't have fought so hard to get into Terra only to wind up in a profession he hated, but the little things sometimes rubbed his fur the wrong way. A predatory part of him would far rather hunt the criminals down and tear them apart rather than deal with the red tape.

Bigby grinned. "I won't argue with that." Far be it from him to refuse a free drink.

He could sense that disquiet, and allowed the younger man a good pause to collect himself. Siblings were a pain in general-- he knew that better than anyone. But he also knew Dante's relationship with Vergil was different. There were more issues involved. The incident with his case, for example. "And you wanted to know if anyone was still looking into it?" he guessed.


sangre_devil May 23 2009, 00:24:49 UTC
Which is probably why Dante loved his job - as a bounty hunter, he had no qualms about holding back against any sort of criminals. Sometimes it was fun just to shoot them in the kneecaps while you took care of them, and Dante wouldn't give up his job for awhile. He just had to be really careful around the police he did talk to, since Bigby would probably have to arrest him, and he didn't want that in the least.

"Good. Cause there was no argument there in the first place."

Dante nods, looking up to him expectantly, "Any leads or anything? I mean, he's still got to be out there. I don't even want to go back home, considering I'd probably throttle Vergil if I had the chance. I just want to know why, that's all."


mrbigandbad May 23 2009, 03:18:15 UTC
Considering Bigby's stance on justice in the city, a little vigilantism on known criminals wouldn't be taken too hard.

His brown eyes took a sympathetic cast. "Nothing. Not yet. I'm sorry, Dante, I am. To tell you the truth I haven't had much time to look at it between other cases since I'm working it unofficially. But I'll keep at it. ...And tell me the truth, what would you do if you found out?" Bigby thought he might know the answer.


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