[Thread] A clash of titans.

Jun 13, 2008 17:01

Who: Larxene [
larandorder ] and Dante [
Where: Terra residential zone.
When: Shortly after 11AM
Summary: Larxene flees from the Abyss to save her own skin from the quake, but ends up in an ever-so-untimely ambush. It can only end in tragedy.
Rating: R for now. [language, violence]
Other: Nothing, really.

It was, to put it as finely as possible, a strategic retreat to higher ground. Larxene wasn’t going to sit idly by and roll her thumbs as the Abyss began to crumble under the might of nature. This shithole was nothing short of a concrete grave; of course the rats would flee from the sinking ship. If Belial and hir buddies wanted to rest underneath crumbled structures that was fine by her. But her own sense of self preservation sure as hell wasn’t going to let her story be brought to such an abrupt ending.

By no means was she a stranger to races against time and extreme circumstances. But cutting a path upwards in the reigning panic had taken her Olympian efforts, and looking back on things even she couldn’t believe that she had actually made it to the streets of Terra and the seas of panic that ran through them. A pretty sight for the eye, if you have a thing for chaotic madness.

But alas, this was finally beginning to put a strain on her. Her black coat started to feel like it weighed a ton on her shoulders, her legs felt as if they were covered in concrete; she couldn’t go on without at least catching her breath. It wasn’t like she was going to make it past the residential area and its maze of apartment blocks any time soon in her exhausted state, especially not with refugees from the slum running left and right.

Taking a turn away from the main streets, she ended up in a small alley between two apartment blocks. The rumbling could still be felt beneath her and she had to support herself against a wall to keep her balance, but at least the structures still held strong for now.

She breathed in, breathed out. The chaos was starting to soften in the background, almost into melody, as she allowed her mind and body to recover. It was dark and damp, there was still a fair way to go before she could reach some kind of reinforced structure or safehouse to wait out the storm. At least the hardest part of the road had been traversed, she felt with a notion of relief crossing her mind.

larxene, dante sparda

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