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sangre_devil May 12 2009, 10:01:34 UTC
Dante's been bouncing off the walls since the challenge to Vergil earlier. No one else had bothered to answer his open challenge (for good reason, more than likely) and so, he had been forced to bother his brother about wanting to fight. They had when they were kids anyways, so now that they've grown older and had more time to adapt their own personal styles, he was sure they'd have a good fight ( ... )


caeruleum_devil May 12 2009, 12:14:44 UTC
Oh, it feels so goddamn good when his fist meets with flesh. It's completely ridiculous, he never got a high like this when he fought his trainers but then again, they weren't out for his blood when he fought. It was all form and posture which certainly were important in a fight, but there was no bloodlust, no clawing, ruthless, no-hold-barred murderous intent. It wasn't even a challenge. Do you know how much a devil has to hold back to keep from hurting a human?

He lets himself inside, kicking the door shut behind him as he advances on Dante for another attack, not sparing even a moment for recovery. He smirks, grinning smug, confident, and more than a little dark. "She's your mother too, Dante. Not a very nice thing to say about her."

Though it doesn't look like Dante's his first target for tonight. There's a deep red splattered across the front of the dress shirt and a darkening red stain crawling up the arm that he just hit Dante with. "Be prepared at any given moment. Come on."


sangre_devil May 12 2009, 12:21:26 UTC
Dante knew far too well how much to hold back when fighting humans, considering he practically did it on a nightly basis. But that punch, the one that gets him to move back a couple of feet? Oh, that was just what he was WAITING for. That strength, that undeniable strength that rivaled his own, that warmed his blood with the fact that for once, his strength was going to be properly tested.

As Vergil moves close, Dante already has his hands up, ready to block his next attack and move in for a counterattack. "Yeah, well, if you weren't born, I wouldn't have to say such a terrible thing, would I?"

The smell of blood is the next thing that he notices, blinking as he looks him over, "Looks like you already got a bit of a practice in before you came over. Where's the fairness in that? I'm not even warmed up." Considering there's a chance he'd do the same if it meant getting that fight.


caeruleum_devil May 12 2009, 13:22:57 UTC
This was the only thing to get a devil's blood really pumping. He had never realized how bad he needed this until now, until his hand ached from the force of the hit that would have cracked bone on a lesser being. The smirk only gets wider the closer he gets, going in for a sharp kick to Dante's stomach, pulling his arms up in the familiar fighting stance his father taught him. He wasn't going to go for this weak foreplay for long, though, he wanted a full out brawl. Things were going to break.

"What would she say, hearing you call her that just because of me? For shame."

The smirk actually cracks into a grin for a moment when the blood is addressed. "It was self defense." If you could call grabbing a petty mob runner off the street in the middle of a job, beating him to an inch of his life before gutting him from hip to throat with his own knife which, noticeably, he never even has a chance to draw 'self defense'. Why had he left the crime hunting to the mercenaries so long? He could do it himself and he enjoyed it. The streets ( ... )


sangre_devil May 12 2009, 23:30:32 UTC
Dante was already ready when that kick came for him, able to at least block that before he tries to move in and punch him in turn. He was lucky their father had been such an avid fighter in his life and taught his sons everything he knew. Because of that, they were the best matches for one another when it came to fights, and Dante was going to take full advantage of this chance. After all, he had wanted to beat his brother down for a loooong while now.

"She'd probably say that I was right, considering she did love me more than she ever did a demon like you."

Dantet huffs, "Self-defense? Is that what you're calling it?" He knew full well humans did little to no damage to them unless they were skilled. And unless he ran into some other demon on the way or some random supernatural being, either way, Vergil could easily overpower anyone who went up against him. "I can smell it's human blood, Vergil."


caeruleum_devil May 13 2009, 00:27:01 UTC
That's a sentiment that Vergil can share. He was matched against his brother, his obnoxious, infuriating, irritating little brother. He wanted bruise and bloody up that pretty face, that mirror image of himself. Beat that nerve-grating grin off of his face until he couldn't smile anymore. He couldn't honestly tell you were all this animosity towards his brother came from, but he deserved to be the sole surviving heir to the Sparda line. Dante was in the way.

The remark seems to hit a sort spot, his expression twisting into dark rage for half a second before smoothing right back out into the confident grin. "Maybe, but Daddy liked me better."

Dante's punch connects and he stumbles slightly, hand snapping out to try to grab the arm before it has a chance to pull back. "Self-defense is still just that, even if the person defending is the better fighter." He smirks a little darker. "You can tell." His tone is almost approving.


sangre_devil May 13 2009, 00:53:13 UTC
Not that his older brother was much better. A snobbish, absolute douchebag of a brother that in his mind, deserved nothing of the Sparda estate, much less their bloodline. He was a greedy man that he just wanted beat into a pulp, mainly to show that in the long run, that he was no better than himself. No matter what money he had or high stature bullshit that he felt he was owed, he was nothing more than a normal guy like Dante - he broke just as well.

"Who cares if Daddy liked you more? Only proves you were that much more of a brownnose and had more of a reason to kill him, doesn't it?" Oh, he was on to something here, a knot in his heart tightening as he starts to ponder the entire situation.

Dante glances when he grabs his hand, keeping his guard stance up to try and keep Vergil from anything too damaging right now. "Yeah well, it's not the most fair fight up against either of it." He turns his head slightly, wondering what Vergil was up to. "It's not that hard with the job I work in now, Verge. Did you kill them?"


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deadpan_snarker May 13 2009, 01:13:55 UTC
Unlike his partner, Darien had no illusions about what they were going to do. He was in stage five quicksilver madness and still able to infect people, which is why he was not touching Hobbes, since he was currently invisible.

His hand on the syringe in his pocket, he looked at their two targets and swore mentally. Even from their position, Darien could tell this was going to be a hell of a fight. A portion of his mind was actually looking forward to taking them down and he involuntarily smirked at the idea.


caeruleum_devil May 13 2009, 01:27:02 UTC
With one of Dante's arms in his grip his other hand lashes out to try to wrap around Dante's throat. Apparently the remark about Sparda really got under his skin. The smirk is gone entirely, just that cold, murderous look remaining. Even Dante was an insect underneath him. It was a shame that he had worn out his use so quickly, he had hoped that he could use him more to his advantage but now his brother would serve him better dead.

"Are you implying I murdered my father? The man who raised me, who taught me to be everything I am now? Oh, I would not lay a hand on him but I assure you if I ever find who did..." The grip tightens, a silent finish to the statement. Sparda was his hero, his idle, everything he desired to be. The mere implication that he was cause to his disappearance was enough to make him grind his teeth and spark his anger even more ( ... )


sangre_devil May 13 2009, 01:35:48 UTC
Dante leans his head back as the hand wraps around his throat, trying to reach out and do the same to keep them in this weird stalemate they had going already. He was grateful that he could manage to rile people up with his words, it somehow made them fight a bit better, a bit more wildly, giving him a slight advantage to have his head. Though really, with this desire to fight, he can't really say he has that much advantage in the long run.

"I'm implying that you seem to know a bit more than you let on, Verge. Maybe you didn't murder dad, but what about mom? You apparently didn't like her, you could've given orders. And what about me, huh? Who's to say you don't want me out of the picture either? And for what? To be alone at the top of it all? Or to be like dad?" Dante laughs at the very thought, "You'll never be like dad."

Dante has yet to notice anyone outside of Vergil, which might give Bobby and Darien a bit of an advantage on subduing them. "You are a monster, Vergil. You'll die like one too if I have any say in it."


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deadpan_snarker May 13 2009, 04:28:42 UTC
Darien was glad that he was both a thief and invisible since he could sneak around without raising suspicion. It also helped that Hobbes was being a distraction, but the darker part of Darien's mind thought he could be a better one with a little help.

Before moving from behind Hobbes, Darien brushes a quicksilvered finger across the back of Hobbes' neck, leaving some behind to be absorbed through his skin. Done with making things more interesting, Darien tries his best to silently move towards the other two men, staying out of Hobbes' line of fire and drawing a syringe of counteragent from his jacket.


[with Dante!mun's permission, of course] caeruleum_devil May 13 2009, 05:53:09 UTC
"I would NEVER hurt our parents. Even if she didn't love me, she was my mother. You're treading on thin ice making those sort of accusations, Dante." That was apparently the wrong thing to say, the look in Vergil's eye is screaming for coldblooded murder and he only tightens his grip on Dante's throat more- they're going to be leaving some nasty bruises on each other ( ... )


[With Vergil-mun's permission] sangre_devil May 13 2009, 06:44:59 UTC
"Yeah well, I don't know you anymore. You're not the brother that I grew up with, so god only knows what you've been up to, how you've changed. You're not my brother." He gasps when the grip is tightened, though a sharp pain in his shoulder suddenly distracts him. Was that a...dart? What the everloving fu-...

SNAP. And there goes his arm and before he can react, he finds himself in his pool table. The poor thing hasn't really had the best of treatment either as it snaps in half, knocking him to the floor. He leans back in the shards of his baby, looking around him in shock ( ... )


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