Who: Dr. Stiles, Sunako Nakahara.
Where: Der's place.
When: After Derek's discharge, evening.
Summary: Sunako freaks out Der prolly?
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.
Other: i like turtles.
The evening was young, proved by the sun just setting and casting the entire. Derek himself didn't appear as peppy as usual, also his skin tone was simply ghastly. The man was weak, anyone could see this in his posture and current mannerisms. Crimson stained bandages couldn't be seen, lurking just under the surface of the fabric and around his chest. It was hardly a cold he was getting over, but he could walk and go about his daily life fine. Work though..it would be a bit until he got back to his patients.
He was expecting someone, hence casual clothes were worn. That didn't stop him from lounging around, watching TV, and in general being a lazy, recovering bum. The only difference today was a box filled with various things set on the stand next to his bed, namely an anatomical model of a human heart, and a large, seemingly slightly outdated textbook. Why? Well, he did have a visitor coming, and Derek chose to give these things away rather than send the poor gal looking for bones and weird things in the Abyss.
The girl's interests were a bit..off..to him, but who was he to judge? As long as she was harmless towards other people and towards herself, he had no qualms. Still, he worried about Sunako's mental health due to her scrounging up body parts in the lower levels..
It simply wasn't the thing normal people did...