
Apr 05, 2009 10:57

Who: Shimazu & Yosuke & Tetora
Where: Terra; Arcade
When: After this at 1am
Summary: Yosuke needs to vent, and Shimazu mindfucks and Tetora comes along to say 'sup
Rating: R
Other: Nope

With the soft click of the cell phone closing, Shimazu looked at his bloodied hand and the dismembered woman in front of him. Hm, she looked way cuter like that, this time Shimazu would rate her ten out of ten for looking like that - a perfectly demented fleshy Picasso at that. His other hand was in his pants the whole time while talking to Yosuke, just jerking off at the woman before him: the reason why Shimazu’s long pause was placed in the conversation. Droplets of fluid fell onto the corpse and the phone was placed in his pant pockets. He would need to change quickly -- right? Since, Yosuke was a pretty normal kid -- right? He wouldn’t want to see the new kid all blood-drenched -- right? It would be game over, and playing Yosuke was pretty fun.

A low high-pitched whistle escaped from pursed lips as the tip of his shoe nudged at a dismembered thigh, "Ah, maybe I should just leave you here, huh? Maybe your parents will be back soon. Not like it’ll help..." And his lips quirked upwards slightly, "I’m a mess, and going to use your shower~" The psychopath was always one with confidence as he went to strip and go into the shower until red turned to pick which finally turned to clear. He stepped out - the leather hoodie he wore and black wig was packed in a large sports bag as he pulled out a double-breasted leather jacket and placed it on - ah, his pants would be alright, he thought, just a few droplets of blood that were smudged in, and ketchup was a pretty good explanation if asked.

The chainsaw was picked up and Shimazu placed it in the bag as well. Not to mention that he wiped away the cum he gushed onto the body with her pair of underwear before placing that in his bag. He’ll get rid of it after he met with Yosuke anyway. Another certain object that was in his bag was a small tube that beheld two eyeballs. Shimazu, with the bag slung over his shoulder, left his victims house out the window and started to make his way to the arcade, just looking like a typical kid amongst the streets with a bag filled of all different types of grotesque items. He’d have to tell Tetora about this later.

He went to the arcade and looked at the coin lockers. With a few coins pulled from his pocket, he placed them in the small slot and shoved the bag in, closing it fully and waited outside the arcade. As well as the small amount of coins - he withdrew a MP3 player and started to chew on the inside of his cheek subtly, leaning against the wall with a leg over the other and head rolled back, his lips curled upwards into a impish smirk.

shimazu hisashi, yosuke hanamura, nishizono tetora

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