[ THREAD LOG, CLOSED ] So Tell Me Cowboy...

Feb 12, 2009 09:23

Who: Irvine Kinneas [ladiesmanirvine ] & Genkaku [hypermonk ]
Where: Entertainment District of Terra
When: February 10th 2009, 10 pm
Summary: Irvine's been hunting for the person who did a number on Selphie on New Years. All his searching lead to Genkaku, but Genkaku ain't no fool, and plays with this cowboy a bit
Rating: R for blood and swearing I assume...It's Genkaku, for King's sake!
Other: This will not end well. There will be an open log that takes place, somewhat after this...so yay for that :D

A promise...

He said his promise was his word, and that he wouldn't go after the bastard who hurt her. He said he wouldn't because of her. But it was because of that reason, he had to break it and find the punk responsible for Selphie. Irvine had been in the shadows, moving from hotel to hotel, gathering information on the person who was responsible for Selphie's condition all that time ago. He hated the fact that the curfew made his investigations a more longer than before and that his cell phone was technically missing. But this time he didn't take any chances, he finally caught up to where the evidence was leading him to, where everything was traced back to, the man responsible for everything he put his love though.


He had followed the the man constantly in the shadows, armed with a rifle strapped to his back and a shotgun strapped to his leg. Irvine tried hard to contain himself as he did his best to sneak from one alley to another, stalking the man. He didn't know what he was doing in Terra, nor did he care, all that mattered was what was he was still alive, so that way he could put the bullet bewteen his eyes for what he done to her. Irvine tried hard to contain his anger, but everytime he looked at the man from the shadows, his teeth would grind and his fist would clench hard enough to break coal. But he didn't act all he did was spy and wait for anything, to prove he did that to Selphie. To prove he could make a righteous kill.

genkaku, irvine kinneas

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